Imagine Pranking Tony Stark

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Imaging Pranking Tony Stark

"Clint, you're crazy! But, I suppose I do like it." You say.

Clint had called you asking for a favor. He had said that the famous millionaire, Tony Stark, had pranked him a last week and Clint wanted his revenge. That's where you come in.

"So are you in?"

"Clint, do you know who you're talking to?"

"Good point. I'll text you the minor details."

"Bye, Clint."

"Bye, Y/N"

You hit the "end call" button on your phone and set it down on the table.

Not even seconds after you had set it down, it began to ring again.

You looked at the caller ID and it was one of your coworkers.

"Hello?" You ask.

"Hi. Y/N? It's Mary."

"Hi Mary! It's good to hear from you outside of the office!"

"Yeah. Hey, listen, I know this is really short notice, but, do you think you could babysit for me? I could drop off my son in an hour," Mary said in a few short breaths.

"Ummm... Yeah! I can babysit!" You reply.

You were mentally kicking yourself for saying yes. You had said yes to Clint as well. But, you had to say yes to Mary too! You owed her.

"Great! See you soon!" Mary chirped on the other end.

"Bye!" You said simultaneously.

Sighing, you hung up and immediately started a text to Clint.

Hey. Change of plans, I'm babysitting.

You sent the text and waited for a reply.

Your phone vibrated and you looked down at the screen.

Text: Clint
Since when?!

A coworker asked me to. Had 2 say yes. I owe her big time.

Text: Clint
I understand. When do u start?

In an hour.

Text: Clint
Send a pic of the kid when he gets there.

Okaaaay.... *cough cough* creeper *cough cough*

Text: Clint
Shut up. Just send a pic. I have my reasons.

I have NOOOO idea what u mean. I simply felt the need 2 cough.

Text: Clint
Sure u did.

I will hurt u.

Text: Clint

•.•.•.•.•.•.Time Lapse•.•.•.•.•.•.
1 hour later

"Thank you so, so much, Y/N!" Mary said as you closed your door. Leaving only you and Jacob (Mary's son).

"Come here, Jacob. Let's take a picture!" You say cheerily.

"Otay" the three-year-old replied.

You took a picture and sent it to Clint.

Text: Clint
Perfect. Be here in 30 min

Why is this perfect? And where exactly am I going? U should probably tell me where I'm going b4 I try to go there, Genius.

Text: Clint
My place


Text: Clint
U sound so pleased

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