Sick-- Clint

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This one is for Cassystarkrp_
I'm so sorry that it's this late! My life has been a little hectic lately. Anyway, hope you enjoy it!!

Beep beep beep beep

The infuriating sound of your alarm clock pulled you out of your slumber.

As you rolled over to turn your alarm off, you felt something shift in your stomach. And then, an awful feeling rose in your throat.

You rolled completely off the bed, hitting the floor with a thud.

As fast as you could manage, you managed to push yourself to the bathroom. Somehow, you managed to make it to the toilet before you began to puke your guts out.

You jumped when you felt a large hand rubbing your sweaty back. "You're burning up, Y/N! Are you okay?" Your boyfriend, Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye, asked.

"No" you croaked in response.

Clint picked you up and carried you back to bed. Even under the blankets, you felt as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice over your head.

A few moments later you were being spoon-fed applesauce. "Clint, what are you doing?" You asked after you swallowed. "You can't take medicine on an empty stomach." He replied simply.

He took care if you for few hours, until eventually you were feeling well enough to think clearly. As he was about to walk out of your shared bedroom, you grabbed his wrist. "Honey, you can't keep taking care of me. You'll get sick too." You told him.

Clint, not liking being told what to do (unless it was a direct order from a superior), crawled into bed next to you. "I'm Hawkeye. I don't get 'sick'" he boasted.

"Right. Keep saying that when you're laying in this bed, feverish and delusional."

Clint pulled you close, wrapping his arms around your waist. After a few more minutes of couple-ish bickering, you started to drift off. As your breaths drew even and your head was resting on his chest, Clint kissed your forehead and whispered a quiet "I love you".

The next morning, you awoke to the sound of Clint coughing violently downstairs. You sighed, but then quickly chuckled to yourself. Smiling to yourself, you walked down the stairs quietly muttering things like, "I told him he would get sick. But no, don't listen to me!" And, "I'm Hawkeye. I don't get sick!".

Apparently you said the last one a little too loudly, because as you reached the bottom of the stairs, Clint moaned a small, "I heard that!"

"Good. Maybe now you'll listen to me when I say things." you replied.

"Fine. You were right."

"I know I was right. I'm always right."

"What are you even doing up this early? I came down here so that you didn't wake up."

Only then did you take notice that it was 5:04 AM and the sun hadn't even risen yet.

"Yes, and that went so well." You teased him. "But I do appreciate the attempt. Now let's get you back to bed." you said.

"But I don't wanna move!" Clint whined from his position on the couch.

"Do I need to drag the princess back to bed? Because I will. You remember last time." you threatened.

Clint paled. "Coming, dear."

When you finally got your boyfriend settled back into bed, you took his temperature, gave him medicine, and then curled into his side. "Now we can be sick together." you declared.

"Only if you make me mac 'n cheese for lunch. Otherwise you will officially be disowned." he joked. "What is it with you and mac 'n cheese?" You ask. "I'm friggin' Hawkeye. I could be a unicorn if I wanted to!" He mumbled as his eyes closed.

"Yep, I was spot-on with the delusional part..."

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