Valentine's Day Special: Peter

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A/N: So, I know this is (very) late! For those of you who don't know, for whatever reason, Wattpad was being stupid and I was unable to publish anything. But, being the techno-nerd I am, I managed to fix it!

Thanks for the patience!

(Best violinist in the nine realms)

You sat in your seat in chemistry, bored as heck. Normally, you would be doing experiments, but today you had a substitute teacher, meaning that the entire class was spent taking useless notes on stuff you had learned ages ago.

At this point, anything and everything that anyone did was annoying you. Chemistry was your favorite class, and to have to spend it like this was unacceptable.

You were about to die of boredom when the teacher abruptly stopped what he was saying. "Mr. Parker! I will not have you passing notes in class!" He said, marching back to the boy, Peter, and snatching a folded piece of paper out of his hand.

You felt bad for Peter. You didn't know him all that well, but he was nice. And smart. You began to feel even more sorry for him when the substitute began to read the note out loud.

I know we don't really know each other all that well, but would you maybe want to study together sometime? Or go to the library? Or get coffee? It doesn't really matter what we do.
- Peter Parker

You froze in your seat. Had Peter just asked you out? Or, at least, tried to?

The entire class burst out in a fit of laughter, jerking you back to reality. You turned back to look at Peter, but he was staring at his paper, his face bright red.

You tried to get his attention, but he wouldn't look at you. Or anyone else, for that matter.

"Settle down!" The teacher yelled over the roaring laughter, but it was no use. Shortly after, the bell signaling the end of class rang and everyone filed out of the room.

Now it was lunch time for your grade. You couldn't help but groan mentally as you made your way to the cafeteria. Peter was going to be relentlessly tortured by the jocks. And everyone else, but mostly the jocks.

As you entered the familiar cafeteria, you saw Peter at one of the tables in the back corner. You tried to go sit next to him, but a crowd formed around the table, preventing you from getting any closer.

From what you could tell, he was getting a whole lot of teasing from the idiots.

With a sigh, you walked back to your normal table in the corner and sat down.

•.•.•.•.•.•.TIME LAPSE•.•.•.•.•.•.

2 more minutes...

"Many of you are probably wondering when you'll ever use this in real life. In all honesty, you're most likely never going to actually use this. I'm just required to yeah this if I want to get my next paycheck." the teacher droned on.

You say there, trying not to be too obvious that you were counting down the seconds on the clock.

1 minute left...

"Any questions?"


30 seconds...

"Have a good weekend, class! Don't forget to do your homework."

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Finally the bell rang! Internally, you were screaming with joy; Although you liked school, you had more important matters to attend to.

You rushed to get your thinks from your locker. As soon as you had everything that you needed, you rushed outside, desperate to catch Peter before he was too far gone.

Once you were outside, you saw him. "Peter!" You called after him.

Peter heard you and stopped. When you caught up to him, he looked uncomfortable and embarrassed, not that you blamed him.

"Uh, hi, Y/N. Listen about what happened in Chemistry earlier,-" "Yes." you cut him off.

"What?" He asked, unsure of what you were saying.

"I would love to study together."

Peter looked at you with a mixture of happiness and utter disbelief on his face. You giggled at his reaction.

When Peter still didn't say anything, you took a pen and a piece of paper from your bag and wrote your cell number down.

"Call me when you get home. We'll figure it out from there." you said, still giggling a little.

He nodded eagerly and ran off.

Smiling, you made your way home, unable to wipe the stupid smile off your face. And, unbeknownst to you, Peter was having the same problem.

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