Imagine Making out with Steve

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Imagine making out with Steve

You were sitting on your couch, waiting for your company to arrive. You had invited your boyfriend, Steve Rogers, and the rest of the Avengers over for a movie night.

You had met Steve a few months ago, shortly after the chaos in Washington DC.

You had been jogging around Central Park when he accidentally ran into you. From there, you two had gotten coffee, become friends, and a few weeks later, you had started dating.

After repositioning yourself so that you sat upside down on the couch, you realized just how bored you were.

You sat there, just staring at your carpet, for about half an hour before a knock on your door startled you so much that you fell off the couch and hit your head on the coffee table.

Rubbing your throbbing head, you walked to the door to answer it.

You were greeted by Steve standing in the hallway of the apartment building with his hands behind his back. He was grinning like an idiot.

"Steve!" You greeted him with a smile.

"Hi, Y/N! Happy three month anniversary!" He said, handing you an arrangement of flowers.

"Awww! Thanks Steve! But, isn't our three-month-anniversary in, like, two weeks?" You asked.

"Yeah, but let's celebrate early." He suggested.

"I can live with that!" you said with a smile.

You stepped aside so that Steve could come in.

You and Steve sat on the couch and talked. You didn't talk about anything special, just what had happened during the week.

You glanced at the clock and saw that it was 5:50. The others would be there in ten minutes.

Standing up, you said "I'm gonna go make some popcorn before everyone else gets here."

As you started to walk away, Steve grabbed your wrist and pulled you back towards the couch.

"Stay with me. Please!" He begged.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." you said and pull away.

You looked over your shoulder and laughed as you saw him pouting.

You had just put the popcorn in the microwave when a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind.

"Steve, I said I would be back in a few minutes!" You said exasperated.

"I got lonely." he shrugged.

With that, Steve pulled you back to the couch.

As soon as you were both seated, Steve pulled you in close and kissed you.

Your eyes widened in surprise, but you kissed him back after a few seconds hesitation.

Your original slow kiss quickly transformed into a full-out make out session.

"That's something I can't unsee." Came a man'a voice.

You and Steve quickly pulled apart, blushing profusely.

You looked over to see Tony standing in your doorway.

"Stark!! What. The. Hell!?! Ever heard of knocking?!" You yelled.

"Cap, I didn't know you had the guts to kiss a girl, let alone make out with one!" Tony said.

"Excuse me?! You just barge in here and then immediately insult Steve?! I don't think so!!" You continued to rant.

"Don't let me interrupt, just carry on what you were doing."

Before you could you think about what you were doing, you grabbed one of the books you had been reading earlier off of your coffee table and chucked it at Stark.

Stark yelped and fled the apartment.

Turning to Steve you saw he was still blushing and you smiled.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to that." you said.

"Throw a book at Stark's head or make out with me?" Steve asked.

"Yes." you said with a smirk.

Steve looked at you in confusion. You wiped the confusion right off of his face when you leaned in and continued your make out session.

Another ten minutes passed before a second knock on the door interrupted the two of you again.

"Y/N? Why is Stark claiming that you tried to kill him? Can we come in?" You heard Clint ask through the door.

You sighed and ran your fingers through your hair, trying to tame it. "To be continued" you whisper in Steve's ear.

"Coming!" You shouted towards the door.

You straightened out your clothes and opened the door.

The rest of the Avengers spilled through the door and into your apartment.

"See! Here's the book she tried to kill me with!" Tony exclaimed, pointing to the rather large book you had thrown and failed to retrieve.

Everybody looked at the book, then back at you with a raised eyebrow.

"He was bothering me." you shrugged.

Everybody burst out laughing, except for Tony, who was scowling at the ground.

And so the night went on with you and the Avengers watching movie after movie, starting with "The Hunger Games" (Clint had insisted and threatened to shoot you all in the butt if you didn't watch it) and you and Steve continually glancing at each other.

After about the 23rd movie, you shoved everyone except for Steve out of your apartment.

Let's just say, you had quite the interesting night.

A/N: Hi guys! So sorry for the wait!! My wifi kind of... well, let's just say it died...

And my mom also stole my iPod, so, ya know...

Anyway, this lovely little piece is for CharleeCongreve. Thanks for participating!!!

Don't forget to request!

(Best violinist in the nine realms)

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