(Regrets) Chapter One

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Ty was sat on the Porch of Heartland with Lou talking when Tim's truck comes barreling into view approaching the Ranch House.
"Ohh Great" ty says, the last thing he wants is another beating off Tim.
Lou gets up and calls Jack outside to ward off Tim, everytime he sees Ty it results in an argument and Jack had told him to stay away from Heartland unless invited. Jack was getting mighty pissed off with his Ex Son in law.
" What do you want Tim."
"To have a word with this dip shit."
"NO, you've had enough words with Ty over the last 2 years to last a life time, and you've been drinking again, so drive away or I'm going to call the RCMP and have you arrested."
"What, listen Old Man it's his Fault Amy's not here."
"Sooo you keep saying, and I know he's trying the best he can to try and find her. Now Leave."
Tim huffs and Grunts then leaves. But jack still phones the RCMP even if it's to get Tim's Truck taken off him.
Ty tells Lou he's going for a walk and eventually ends up sat down infront of the upturned Boat he and Amy always sat at to talk. He starts to think back to when he made the biggest regret of his life by making one stupid decision.

2 years ago.

Ty sent Amy a message to say that the Truck had broken down and he was on his way back Home on the bike, his friends were going to stay with the truck till its finished being repaired, and he should be a couple of hours.
Amy was royally pissed at Ty as he went for 3 to 4 weeks and it had been 4 months. Amy was 19 now and Ty hadn't been there for her Birthday which sucked. But as soon as she saw those words *On way back home* she started Spartan into a gallop to get home.
She saw her Grampa by the Barn and jumped off Spartan asking him to put him away as she had to get ready as Ty was on his way home.
Jack just looked at her running to the house and shook his head knowing just how much she'd missed him. Amy ran in almost knocking Lou over saying what she did to Jack about Ty coming home and Lou just smiled.
Amy had a shower , did her hair, bit of make up and a beautiful Dress that came down mid Thigh.
Ty had hit Roadworks which delayed him a little but not to much. Lou took Amy outside on to the Porch to try and calm her down when they heard that familiar sound of his bike.
Amy watched as he approached the house and parked switching the bike off.
Amy started to run to Ty when someone got off the back of the bike and Amy came to a sudden stop.
Lou Looked on hopping this wasn't what she thought it might be but felt deflated when the other person took her ( Amy's) Helmet off and was greeted by a woman about Ty's age with Dark Hair, Ty was smiling at Amy as he got off and took his Helmet off. Amy had tears in her eyes as she went to move forward just as this woman stepped up to Ty and wrapped her arms around his arm as close to him as she could get.
Ty saw tears running down Amy's face as he went to pull his arm away from Blair. He saw Amy put her hands to her face and run back into the house.
He looked at Lou whose looks could kill as she shook her head and walked back into the house to Amy.
Ty was completely oblivious to just what happened and again Blair back at his side, he looks down and again pulls her arm away from him, "Blair, what the hell are you doing that was my Girlfriend, stop it."
As he looks back up he sees Jack's face right in front of him.
"Soooo, you tell Amy your going away for 3 to 4 weeks and come back 4 months Later with a replacement for my Granddaughter with an older woman"
"Jack, No that's not what's happened. "
"Well you could of fooled me the way she's hanging on to you. Amy couldn't even get close to you if she wanted to with this growth on you."
This was not going to how Ty expected it to and now wished he'd left Blair behind.
Lou could hear the Sobbing from Amy's room and tried to get in but Amy had locked her door and wouldn't answer.
Ty was still looking at Jack when the house door banged open and Lou shouted " TYLER BORDEN GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW."
As Ty approached the door Lou shouted out "I DIDN'T SAY TO BRING HER WITH YOU."
Ty turned and saw Blair right behind him. " Jesus Blair, go sit somewhere else".
Ty walked inside, Lou just said SIT.
"Lou I dont know what to say, Blairs never acted like this since I met her and Grant."
"Well she is now and I see her trying to lay claim to you right infront of my sister. Amy's Sobbing her heart out in her room and I can't even get in there to console her because she's locked the door. Do you know how excited she was when you said you were coming home, she loves you so much and you bring a bimbo back with you who can't keep her hands Off you. What the Hell were you thinking Ty. What makes it even worse is that she was sat on Amy's seat behind you with her hands wrapped around you. Do you know anything about the Pillion seat belonging to Only your Girlfriend Ty. That's her seat and no one else's. "

Out side Blair was trying her charms on Jack by putting her hand out trying to Introduce herself.
"I don't know what Ty was thinking bringing you here cus there's no where for you to sleep."
"Ohh, that's fine, Ty said I could use his Loft space" .
"I Don't think so young Lady, that's my Barn and I don't think his girlfriend whose my Granddaughter would go along with that Idea."

To be continued

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