Chapter 8

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"I had a great time babe, call me again sometime," some boy stumbled out of my door with a stupid smile plastered on his face.

All I could do was watch him fumble with his keys and get into his fancy sports car. After hearing the terrible news at school, I had booked it out of school and driven to the closest posh club that I could find. Sitting there drinking my sorrows away for an hour led to me the dance floor which then led me to a guy following me home which also resulted in sex...... crap happens.

I had moved schools so that I didn't have to worry about Sherry and Nicholas anymore. They can't have transferred to my school. I will show them my ways now and they will be sorry that they ever bullied me.


Who the hell?

"So who was that sweetie? and what number was he?" came the high soprano voice of someone who I knew all to well.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" my hands were starting to shake as I watched the woman who raised me walked into the room.

She took one look at my long shirt and sex hair before turning her nose up in disgust.

"Am I not allowed to come see my only daughter?" she questioned.

"You only want to see me when you want something, usually dad isn't far behind. Where is he?" My parents only came to me when they wanted me to attend a business dinner with them so that I could distract all the young boys and make all of them like me. While the little boys were all ogling me, my dad would go turn on the charm to the parents.

"Well there is a business dinner tonight and they have asked that the entire family formaly attend. this could be one of the biggest business deals that your father will ever make. I have your dress in my car and someone will be coming to do your hair and makeup. The party starts at 6:30 sharp and a car will come to pick you up at 6," she said that all in one quick breath and turned on her heel to walk out the door.

A moment later she appeared with a big black bag the seemed to hold my dress. In her other hand she held a pair of 5 inch black heels that had an open toe and a strap running around the ankle.

"Its 4 now. Someone should be here at 4:30 to do the rest. Be ready and do not humiliate us tonight. The man that we want is 18 and perfect for you. He's good looking and definitely your type. Keep him distracted and make him like you. See you tonight sweetie," she smirked and dropped the bag on the couch with the heels landing with a soft thump on my plush carpet and the door closed with a bang.

Always to distract the boys. Even my own mother thinks I'm a slut but whatever, as long as they keep refilling my bank account I will do anything.

I quickly got up to bring the bag upstairs and get out all my makeup and straighteners and curling irons for the person who was coming. Soon enough there was a knock on the door and a very animalistic woman let herself into my house.

"My name is Amy and we have limited time to make you look more perfect then you already are," she smiled softly. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.

I led her upstairs and sat down on the chair in front of  my mirror. She immediatly started prodding my hair with a curling iron and soon enough my hair was in soft curls around my shoulders and framing my face. Next she started on my makeup which accented my blue eyes. She lined them with a charcoal eyeliner and a very smokey eye using many different shades of grey. Soon enough my eyes were popping out into a very startling blue that held the looker mesmerized. 

"You look beautiful my dear," she commented while moving towards the bag which held my dress. 

She unzipped the bag to reveal and very sparkly silver dress that went to the floor. 

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