Chapter 2

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"Are we there yet?" I mumbled seductivly, my hand brushing lightly down him arm.

"Yeah, almost there, 5 more minutes. Max." Bandon smiled while keeping his eyes on the road. I studied his profile. Strong jawline, full lips, long eyelashes for a boy. Mmmm.

 The bright lights of a nearby town started coming into view. I was excited to say the least, not for the food or the date, but the aftermath. He looked experienced. 

"And... We're here!" He winked and me and pulled into a parking space, cutting the engine. He stepped out and walked around to my side to open the door. "Ma'am."

"Why, thank you." I smirked while taking his outstretched hand.

We walked past the small line and went straight to the front where the waitor, in a full-on tux, showed us to a table without a word. 

 "Any drink request?" He asked while showing us a menu. 

Brandon pointed to a certain wine and the waiter left us.

"So have you always lived in California?" I asked, fluttering my eyelids flirtatiously.

"No. Moved here last year from Canada." He grinned at me. "Before you ask, no, it is not all ice and polar bears."

The waiter returned and poured the blood red wine into our cups. I took a tentitive sip.

"I hope you enjoy the Chteau Margaux 1995." I choked a bit and started coughing.

"Chteau Margaux?!?" My jaw dropped open. I knew my wines, thanks to Daddy. "You do realize a bottle of this is $402 right?"

Brandon grinned. "Well we arn't drinking the whole bottle, now, are we? And expensive wine is good wine."

I smiled evilly. Good looking with cash? Can you say, jackpot?

The rest of the evening passed without anything of interest. We ate expensive pasta and talked about Canada, California, both our insanely rich fathers and golfing.

"You like to golf?" I snorted. "You? Golf? I can't even imagine that!"

"Like you golf! You must lie!" He laughed. "There's no way yuo can play!"

"Can so! You're the liar!"


Eventually the waiter came with the bill. Brandon paid with his mastercard and when the reciept came, I grabbed my purse to leave and leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"Let's go back to my place. Nobody is home, and there's a king size bed." I was already imagining the possibilities!

Before he could answer I heard a high pitched squeal from across the room. "Emmaaaa!!! Darling!" I looked and saw the girl I hated most in the entire universe.


And as luck would have it, of course Nicholas would be her date. My best frenemy and my ex. Oh and not just an ex! *The* Ex. The one responsable for me having to change schools, houses and friends.

"Oh, Emma!" Sherry gushed, grabbing my arm with her sharp, red talons of death, I mean fingernails. "Everyone at the academy feels just AWFUL for last year! We would love to have you back with us." She bit her lip. "Well, I mean, little virgins like you can't be socially accepted just anywhere and we are willing to give it another shot! To accept your... problem."

I felt my face flush. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh Nicky told us your... issue! Don't worry sweetheart, having an STD is TOTAALLYY fine with me, I won't tell anyone!" She shouted, causing the whole resturaunt to stare. "Oh, and you didn't even get it from sex! AIDS from a toilet seat? Girl, you have it rough! A tainted virgin!"

"WHAT?!?" I scheeched, whipping around to face Nicholas. "What have you been telling people? That's not true! I don't have an STD! WHAT LIES DID YOU TELL?"

"Nothing." He smirked evilly, red hair sticking up on two sides of his head like devil horns.

"Well, honey, you wouldn't put out for him! Said you were saving yourself or some crap like that! And that you were a virgin? We all KNEW you must have AIDS! And since you were so UGLY you can't possibly have got it from any boys!" Shelly was glowing.

"You're actually looking pretty hot now, babe." Nicholas slung an arm around me. "Plastic surgery I'm assuming? Daddy can take care of anything now, can't he? Look at you! Perfect skin, body, hair, you really are all a fake now arn't you?" I bit his hand and he moved away from me. I couldn't bear to look at Brandon, he must be disgusted.

"Shut the hell up! I'm *NOT* a virgin! And I *DON'T* have AIDS!" I felt helpless. Yelling was all I could do. How did he know it was me in the first place? The sugery was supposed to make me entirely different.

Nick put his hand on Brandon's shoulder. "Have you done the deed with her yet, mate?" I looked at him to see him shaking his head slowly. Nichloas grinned. "I knew it. Pathetic, you are, Emma. Can't even get a man in bed now that you're pretty. Tell me, how many times have you done it, if you are, as you say, not a virgin?"

I closed my eyes, seeing red. That asshole. I was a different person. I had done it far more times than he ever will in his life.

"Thirty nine different people." I breathed.

"Liar. You wouldn't even put out for me, and we all know I'm a god." Nicholas laughed. SHelly joined in.

"I wouldn't put out for you because your dick is so small you could turn it sideways and it'd disapear. Go to hell, adn leave me alone." I turned and ran out of the resturaunt without a backwards look. I guess a was getting a cab home, I had a feeling Brandon wasn't going to be talking to me anytime soon.

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