Chapter 7

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You all must hate us. like a lot. But listen, I just got a laptop and its WAY easier to write then on an iphone. Seriously. My partner and I got through finals and then she was in Europe and i was sleeping and working all summer and then school just started. Hopefully though I'll be able to update this more often now. So we are soooooooo sorry for taking so long but hopefully that wont happen again. Okay here we go.

Emma's POV

Wow. that was intense. I wonder where all that came from. Was he just here to yell at me, or was he here because he "cared"? No one cares about me and thats why its so easy to just be a slut and sleep around. This is just all so new to me, having someone thats willing to cmmit to me. My parents don't give a damn, they just give me money and I'm fine with that.

Whatever, I need to get ready for school. I was still thinking about what Brandon said last night after that kid walked out, I don't even remember his name. Oops. 

Hmm what to wear, what to wear..... Oh thats cute I thought to myself while rummaging through my closet. I pulled out a tight blood red dress that came to mid thigh. It was pretty simple but slutty enough. worked for school. I paired them with a pair of 4 inch beige closed toe heels. My hair was already done and makeup was perfect like always. 

Locking the door behind me, I turned around only to  find a greek god leaning against my car. His hair was all tousled and his intense eyes were staring at me.

"Well don't you look happy to see me this morning," came his sexy voice.

"Oh ha ha very funny. Get your ass off my car," my voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Your not going to school today," came his snarky reply.

"And why the hell not? Who died and made you the boss of me?" I replied with malice. Who the hell gave him authority to boss me around? 

"No one. You don't realy have a choice. Either you come with me or I go with you," Brandon stated simply. 

Like hell I was going with him. School was the place where guys worshiped the ground I walked on. I had never missed a day of school in case someone would try to change my rules around the school. I wasn't gonna let this asshole steal that away from me for the day. 

"Umm no. Either you get your ass off my car or a drive away and come back to run you over," I said while opening my door and starting the engine.

"Okay if thats how you want to play. See you at school then babe," with that said he walked away with his hands in his pockets down the beach without a glance back.

What. The. Hell. What does he mean "see you in school," he doesn't even go to the same school as me. I would know if he went to my school. I hate that kid. 

" Yo Emma babe, looking good!"

"Sweet ride baby, not as sweet as the one I could give you though"

"Slut bag whore who can't keep her legs closed"

"Hey babe, long time no talk" oh hell. Why the hell is he here? Is this what he meant by see you in school? I didn't even see him get into a car.

"Why are you here?" I turned around slowely meeting his eyes with my own.

"Well I told you that I would see you in school. I'm here for the day to help out in math class. They wanted me to talk about the advanced classes that people can take," his smirk was so wide that I thought it would break his face. I wish it had.

All I could do was turn around and strut into the scool with what dignity that I had. I don't pay attention to guys in the morning and that one guy could avert my attention in a second. That douche bag coming into my school. I hate him.

"Hey Emma! Is that the guy that you went on a date with the other night? The one thats good in bed?"asked Brittany.

"Yes," came my short reply. God I was so not in the mood to be quizzed about my stalker. Because thats what he was, my stalker.... and I didn't mind him being that. I mean.. damn him.

"You okay? Did something happen with him or something?" Lexi asked while raking her eyes over him.

I admit, he realy did look delicious. But I have to stop thinking about him. I don't want him in my life, he will cause me pain and I can't handle anymore pain in my life.

"Ya I'm fine, lets go girls," I replied while turning my back on him and walking away. Looks like I will be missing math class today. I wasn't going to go into AP anyway. I was perfectly happy with where I as in school.

"See you in math class Emma!" Came the shout from my stalker from down the hall. 

Hell. Can life get any worse?


 It just got worse.

When I walked in the Cafeteria, Sherry was there talking to the principal with a seductive smile on her face. Nicholas was standing just behind her looking around at the mass of people animatedly talking to one another as they stuffed their faces. When I walked through the doors though, his head snapped to look at me and a smirk immediatly protruded from his face. 

He brought his hand up to wave at the exact time i felt a hand slide around my waist and pull me to a very hard chest. I stumbled slightly and fell into the wall the was Brandon's chest. 

"Is that... what's his face... Nicholas? And Sherry? What are they doing here?" asked Brandon wth his arm still possesively rapped around my waist.

"Yes it is and I don't know. I also don't know why your arm is around my waist" was my curt reply with a glare directed at his hand. 

"Am I not allowed to show my affection for my girlfriend?" he asked innocently with a hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. 

"Well you better go find your girlfriend then as she will be plenty pissed that you have your arm around another girl" I gave him my own smirk as I stepped out of his embrace.

"Who are they? She's pretty... not as pretty as you Emma. No one is as pretty as you" Lexi interjected while staring Nicholas up and down. Although she did look a little guilty that she though that Sherry was pretty. Brittany and Lexi really were my friends and they were loyal.

"That would be Sherry and Nicholas. Bitch and douche bag. Why are they here though? Oh crap they are walking over here," I exclaimed while trying to hide my anger.

"Oh hey Emma, I didn't know you went to this school," Sherry smirked, sarcasm coating her words. 

"Mmmhmm, why are you here?" I asked worried about the answer that I would recieve.

"Oh dear you didn't hear?" she was full out smiling now. Nicholas was chuckling softly behind her with one of the biggest smirks I had ever seen on someones face.

The next words that left her mouth left my face in complete horror that I couldn't mask no matter how hard I tried.

"We transferred to this school. We are going to be classmates again!"

Oh hell.

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