Day 20- Chariots

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Most of the camp was waiting for this day to come around. Chiron likes to plan chariot races to give the campers something to do, and today was the first one. Everyone had their chariots ready to go, the Athena cabin's chariot was driven by Malcolm this time, with Annabeth at his side. Their chariot was built for defense and speed. They were prepared to take out as many other chariots as they could.

The Apollo cabin's chariot was gold, once again but made for speed and had a wider walking space for Lee and Kayla to switch off from horses to bows and back. They were built to go fast and to sabotage, it would be easy to take them out if you managed to hit them. The key word is managed, the Apollo kids were excellent shots.

The Hermes cabin's chariot looked like it was built last night by a collection of parts they probably stole. It was a bunch of different colors and built to destroy other chariots. If anyone looked close enough they would think the cabin wasn’t even trying. But Connor and Laurel was controlling the Chariot, so it would be hard to take them down.

The Aphrodite Cabin’s chariot was one of the more normal ones. Sure, it had drawings of doves going up the sides and was a light pink color. But it wasn’t shiny like Apollo’s or like Hermes’, it was balanced. Mitchell was controlling it with Lacy, it was the first time for both of them and they were nervous. Mitchell tried to talk to his boyfriends but...they were a little preoccupied.

“You’ll eat my dust.” Lee said with a smirk looking at Connor who rolled his eyes.

“All you have is arrows, just you wait. You’ll be going down.” Connor said, shrugging.

“You both are losing, I will beat you. I'm an Athena kid. Strategy is my thing.” Malcolm said, shrugging. “Right Mitchell?”

“Huh? Oh yeah sure,” Mitchell said coming out of his own head.

“You okay?” Lee asked.

“Yeah, I’m just excited can’t wait for one of you to win, honestly.” 

“Okay, but if somethings up, tell us okay Dove?” Connor said and Mitchell nodded.

“I will don’t worry about me,” Mitchell said as they were all called back for the race to begin.

The race started normal with the Ares cabin taking out most of the chariots. Mitchell was surprised that their chariot was still standing as Lacy cheered in the back. Up ahead he could see Arrows flying through the air and hitting the Hephaestus cabin’s wheels knocking the chariot over as the Hermes cabin flew past Jason and Nyssa. 

“We’re coming for you Lee!” Connor yelled.

“Give it your best shot.” Lee called as their chariot sped up.

Mitchell carefully dodged more fallen chariots as he kept up with his boyfriends. He was surprisingly in fourth place. He watched as all three of his boyfriends tried to take each other out, seemingly to have forgotten that Mitchell’s chariot was behind them. He had to dodge the fallen Athena cabin chariot when Lee finally got a good shot to take it out and that left Connor and Lee to fight amongst themselves. Meanwhile, Mitchell swerved around them and pushed ahead, crossing the finish line first. Lacy started to cheer with the rest of cabin 10 as Lee and Connor looked on in shock.

“I can’t believe we forgot about him.” Connor said watching Mitchell’s siblings praise him and Lacy.

“Me neither, he’s sneaky.” Lee said.

“You two were way too busy fighting to notice him. It was kind of funny.” Malcolm said, “I Think you sprained my ankle Lee, you suck.”

“Sorry.” Lee said. Not really sorry because it was a competition.

Mitchell walked over to them with a smile, “I won.”

“Yeah, Proud of you.” Malcolm said smiling.

Lee nodded, “Next time you’re my target first.”

“I won’t go easy Lee.” Mitchell said smiling, he would take them down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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