Day 2- Ship Wars

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A special Capture the flag was planned in celebration of not getting murdered by queen dirt face herself. They would take two warships out into the middle of the lake and one team would have to take the other ship’s flag flying on deck proudly. Percy wasn't allowed to play as he'd most likely cheat. In reality, it was all of the campers that never got to leave camp. Lee and Malcolm somehow became in charge of one whole ship themselves. This led most of the Apollo cabin, excluding Will because he couldn’t leave his boyfriend alone in the infirmary while he recovered or anything and the Athena cabin to join their ships.

The other shipped was womaned by Clarisse. Ares cabin claimed the “more badass” looking one, though everyone else could agree she only chose the one she did because someone wrote ‘Cancel Percy’ on the side of it. No one knows who did it, but Percy is now pouting on the lakeshore with the kids who weren’t playing in the game. From the decks of the ships, you could still see Mitchell poking him with a stick. Hermes teamed up with Ares so that the spread of chaotic energy could be even.

The hard part was keeping everyone sticking to the rules. The ships weren’t big, they looked like large passenger ships that would go from one end of a lake to another. So they had space for people with their mismatched weapons. The self-appointed leaders made plans. In 30 minutes it would be a battle, they would begin trying to fight their way onto the ship and steal the other flag. The game was built for speed, not for longevity. Chiron expected this to be over in 5 minutes. Even less so now that the Apollo cabin had decided to join, but he wasn’t one to choose favorites.

He was the one that got to blow the whistle though and watch as a few kids from Clarisse’s boat tried to be like pirates and swing over to the other boat only to be shot down into the water by archers those who managed to board the opposing ships were now fighting each other off in all-out sword fights or fistfights. Looking closely Malcolm managed to get Connor good in the stomach before grabbing the flag while others were distracted.

“All’s fair in love and war,” Malcolm said grinning before going to jump back to his ship to win. Connor grabbed his ankle before he made the jump and snatched the flag before letting Malcolm fall into the lake.

“You’re right it is,” Connor said holding the flag out in a taunt.

Malcolm was swearing in greek swimming to shore when an arrow shot through the flag and pulled it out of Connor’s hands dragging it to the other ship like a hook on a fishing line. Cheers erupted from the boat as Lee Fletcher raised the flag above his head with a smirk.

The boats were brought back after they fished out overboard campers no one was seriously hurt so just Ambrosia cubes were passed around the people who played, in the end, nobody’s ship was superior they just had different skill on each side.

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