Day 4- Pranks

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One Mcdonald’s Happy Meal later, Michael Yew was sitting on the floor of the Hades cabin. He had discussed this earlier in the week with Nico. he would be brought up from the underworld for the day to prank his siblings. The plan was simple, fill the Apollo cabin with ladders. How he was going to get said ladders? They hadn’t thought that far ahead. Which is why Will was sitting across from him.

“So where is the stash of ladders you have, shoelace?” Michael asked

“It’s not mine, but I know the camp has some in storage because people get stuck all the time in trees, and gods know why,” Will said looking at him. “Yeehaw”

“Do not start with me I-” Michael started already standing up in his rant but Nico cut him off.
“Let’s go over the plan,” Nico said and Will nodded.

“We will get the ladders, we have to wait for Lee and the others to leave before we block the door with them. We should do it to other cabins, to make the day more interesting.” Will said grinning. “Specifically, ours, Aphrodite, Athena’s, and Hermes’ cabins.”

“Okay, one question though. Why?” Michael asked

“Why not,” Will said shrugging.

They realized it probably wouldn’t be very good to block anyone inside the cabins so it was decided they would just lay the ladders on certain people’s beds. Lee was getting two ladders. Michael was set on doing that. So they let him, whatever happened in Elysium can stay there. The victims of the small prank were Malcolm, Mitchell, Lee, and Connor.

And that poor kid stuck on top of the rock wall who can’t climb down.

    Anyway, they planted the ladders and went back to Nico’s cabin. For once, Will and Michael were getting along. Nico was impressed because he's only ever seen them argue with each other even when they are in separate areas. Who knew putting ladders in people's beds could bring you together.

Lee came back with Connor following him. They walked into the cabin and Lee instantly saw something in his bed. "Are…are those ladders?"

Connor nodded. "I think so and for once it wasn't me." He said. "Though two ladders in your bed sounds a little like a call-out."

"Michael," Lee said suddenly. "That gremlin is here."

"Did-Did you just call Michael a gremlin?" Connor asked following Lee out of the cabin as he went to go find Michael.

"Yes, and when I find him, ghost or not. He's going on the fridge and staying there until he goes back to Elysium." Lee said noticing some Hermes kids dragging a ladder out of the Aphrodite cabin. "Did he go after Mitchell too?"

"You know we haven't seen Will and he is dating the only boy who can bring back the dead." Connor said looking towards the Hades cabin. Lee nodded and started his way over there. 

"I bet he's hiding in there, I'm surprised Michael hasn't gotten killed again. If he's still there too." Lee said knocking on the door.

Will answered it and took a look at them before grinning and looking behind him. "Yeehaw they found out!"

"Stop calling me that! Will started it." Michael said.

"Actually it was your idea weeks ago," Nico said from the floor.

Lee shook his head. "You're all getting fridge time. Michael is just stuck up there until he has to go back to Elysium."


Lee looked at him. "You're going on the fridge."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Fine, but only because I like it up there."

Will made a comment of he only likes it because it made him feel tall but it was ignored for Chiron yelling "where are the ladders?"

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