Day 12- A Different Angle

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(A/N: prepared to be Vibe Checked by Siblings)

Ever since Lee was dragged back to the land of the living, the camp has done nothing but talk about the four of them. And when people weren’t tracking down Lee, Malcolm, Mitchell, and Connor themselves they turned to the siblings of the four. Trying to get the details about the shiny relationship of the camp. They weren't scared of anyone in the four, unlike how they were of both Will and Nico, or Percy's temper. Some of the campers tried it with Annabeth first.

"So how do you like your brother dating three other boys?" One of them asked. Annabeth barely spared them a glance as she kept walking.

"He can do as he pleases, they make him happy so I don't need to kill them." Annabeth said. "Though Malcolm can handle himself pretty well. You all saw Drew after he fought her."

"Yeah but one of them is a Stoll."

Annabeth stopped and turned to them, "The Stoll's are not bad people. Sure they're annoying with the pranks and stealing, but they aren't something you need to voice with that much disgust in your tone. Now leave me alone, I have somewhere to be that does not require gossiping about my brother's love life." She said leaving the group behind. 

They tried it with Travis next, he was a bit more giving on his opinions. Though, he didn't give out too much. If people were that curious they could ask Connor or the others themselves.

"So, you like that he's with them?"

"I mean yeah, he's so much happier. We don't do as much together but I don't mind. He needs to become Connor, not just a Stoll brother." Travis said, shrugging as he worked on another prank.

"Even though one of them is an Airhead Aphrodite kid?" 

Travis laughed. "You haven't met those kids have you? I wouldn't knock their intelligence. Well, there's one in the cabin I'd personally throw in the lake, but we don't talk about him. Mitchell on the other hand doesn't deserve the airhead title." He said amused. "You should hang with them one day, those Aphrodite kids are wickedly smart. They even scare me sometimes. Now, I'm off. Have fun explaining that to Chiron." He said as all the archery targets were hit with something and knocked over.

Piper and Lacy were talking to each other when the gossip group found them. They already heard about them through Annabeth and Travis, at this point they were ready to her about some asshole comment. 

"What's your brother like?"

"He's really impulsive. Speaks in song quotes whenever he's deeply feeling. Don't tell anyone but he might be my favorite brother." Piper said, "when I'm not the one having to deal with his music quote of the month. When we were stuck in the cabin for a week, gods he only sang one song whenever he was spoken to. I'm glad we can give him to his boyfriends to deal with now."

"So you don't care about him having 3 of them?" 

Lacy looked at them and tilted her head. "They make him happy, we've seen they literally cannot function when one of the four are gone. So it's not that big a deal."

"But they are so different from eachother?"

"And you're running around the camp trying to get dirt on four people that don't need it." Piper said. "You aren't even asking them but their siblings and all I have to say is good luck in the Apollo cabin. Come on Lacy." She said walking off with Lacy leaving the group behind in slight shock.

When they did go to Apollo's cabin Will was already waiting for them. He was outside playing with an Ace Bandage like he always did. He looked up when the small group was close enough to him.

"I heard you've been talking a lot today about my older brother's relationship," Will said looking at them.

"Well, yeah. We were just curious." 

"I've heard the questions. Sounds to me like you're just trying to find a reason to make them toxic. Who goes around calling Mitchell an airhead, or Malcolm controlling, or insulting someone for being part of a family? Those aren't 'how'd they get together?' Questions. They're rude and insensitive," Will told them with one eyebrow raised.

"I guess you could say that…"

"And then, you don't even ask them yourself. You go behind their backs to talk about them, they aren't pushovers in the slightest." Will said before someone opened the door.

"Will, we're going to start the movie without you if you don't hurry up," Lee said, waving at the group who looked very shamed. "Come on Will," he added before going back inside.

"Now, if you excuse me, I have a movie night to attend with my family that includes everyone you talked to and about today," Will said, turning from the and walked into the cabin, the door closing on them with a soft click.

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