Day 16- Fight

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(A/N: you won't know who #4 is unless you've watch Hazelthewriters OT4 livestream, I'm sorry. He's annoying though.)


    They were training when it happened. Malcolm had just finished fighting with Annabeth as practice and was getting water listening to his boyfriends talk. Lee had just come back from archery and Connor had been practicing with a few other campers. Mitchell usually just came for moral support but for some reason Clarisse decided to try and get Mitchell to pick up a knife and fight.

    “Come on Mitchell, you failed in battle once. Don’t you think you should try?” Clarisse yelled from the middle of the practice area swinging her lame spear around. Malcolm frowned looking between them. He hated when anyone brought up that particular memory.

    “I really don’t want to, Clarisse.” Mitchell sighed, sinking further into his spot.

“Stop being a sissy and fight me.” Clarisse called and Malcolm handed his bottle calmly to Mitchell before looking at Clarisse with a glare. 

“I’ll take you on.” Malcolm said pulling his dagger out, stepping over to her.

“Wait Malcolm maybe you shouldn’t-” Lee started but Malcolm charged Clarisse and he sighed. “Watch him, I’ll go get Connor, some Ares kids, and Will.” Lee said getting up and rushing off. Mitchell turned to watch Malcolm holding himself pretty well against Clarisse both of them already covered in cuts, Malcolm somehow was already limping but that might’ve been an injury from Annabeth earlier. The fight went on for a while before the other Ares kids separated them and Will began giving them Ambrosia and a lecture. Mitchell sighed and walked over to them shaking his head.


    He had been glaring at Lee the entire time,  and all they were doing together was sitting by the campfire. Sure, they were holding hands but why was he glaring at Lee the entire time? It was annoying Malcolm but he promised no more fistfights. But then Malcolm heard him talking about them to others across the fire and he was moving but Lee and Connor tightened their grips on him to keep him from launching across the area to hit him.

    “He’s not worth it Malcolm.” Connor said, “And you promised.”

    “I know, but he deserves it.” Malcolm glared back at him when he glanced at Malcolm with a smirk.

    Then he said something about Lee, Malcolm doesn’t even remember what but he pulled himself free and was after him in seconds before the others could pull him back. Malcolm shoved him off the log and glared. 

    “Don’t talk about my boyfriends or really anyone else like that.” Malcolm said glaring. Lee grabbed his hand.

    “You promised.” Lee said.

    “I didn’t hit him!” Malcolm protested. Lee looked at the other two before looking back.

    “Let’s just go hang somewhere else. It’s getting too loud here anyway.” Lee said leading him away from the crowd, if Lee saw one of his boyfriends flip #4 off, he didn’t say anything.


    This one was a long time coming. Malcolm had been keeping quiet when she was around about how she would talk to Mitchell and her other siblings. There were times where he came close to snapping at her but his boyfriends would convince him not to. Today she was complaining about stolen makeup to Lacy and Mitchell.  That wasn't helping her cause in Malcolm’s mind. 

    “You didn’t take it right Mitchell?” Drew said, suddenly looking at Mitchell annoyed.

    “Why would I take it? I have my own.” Mitchell rolled his eyes.

    “Just for that, you get to wear the shoes.” Drew said and Mitchell groaned. The two started arguing with each other before Malcolm stopped and turned to them.

    “Drew will you shut up?” Malcolm asked her, sighing.

    “Excuse me?” Drew said, stepping up to Malcolm.

    “You heard me, shut up. You complain too much. I’m tired and you are stealing my boyfriend's attention.” Malcolm said. Drew rolled her eyes.

    “Don’t tell me what to do.” Drew said shoving him slightly. Malcolm glared.

    “I will hit you, Drew I’ve been wanting to for so long. Why don’t you just leave?” Malcolm said.

    “Do it.” Drew said. “Or are you too scared of your boyfriends?” Malcolm hit her hard and the two got into a fight, it took the others a few seconds to snap out of it before rushing to break up the fight. Once they got them separated both of them were bleeding and glaring at each other.

    “Sorry.” Malcolm said.

    “Good you should apologize you use-” Drew started but Malcolm rolled his eyes.

    “Not Sorry to you I’m sorry to my boyfriends that I promised not to start fights.”

    “Well foronce you didn’t start it technically. You’re fine.” Lee said and the other two agreed. “We just hate seeing you fight.”

    “I know.” Malcolm sighed as they walked to the infirmary with unfortunately Drew.


    It was a quiet day for the four of them. They had gotten all of their camp activities done so they were just walking together to one of the cabins. They were talking quietly amongst themselves when they started to hear a few kids talking behind them. They were maybe one or two years younger but obviously weren’t aware of the fours relationship and were actively talking about it. The conversation quickly turned to the weird dynamic they had and how they didn’t understand why an Athena kid would possibly be with them.

    No one stopped Connor when he tripped one of the kids. “Oops. my bad.” Connor said with a grin. “You aren’t hurt right?”

    “No.” They said getting up. 

    “Good, good. Keep your mouths to yourselves then yeah?” Connor asked and the group looked at him confused.

    “He means, don’t talk about us as if we aren’t in front of you. Especially don’t single one of us out like that.” Lee said, crossing his arms.

     “We know people, that you wouldn’t want to fight too. So I’d stop talking about use. Our siblings tend to be….violent.” Mitchell said, shrugging.

    The leader of their group rolled their eyes. “You aren’t worth it anyway. Let’s go.” they said as they left.

Malcolm watched his boyfriends pretty impressed. Their dynamic was interesting, but it made them work.

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