Day 11- Like Riding a Bike

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How did they end up far from everyone else with a beat-up bike that Connor pulled out of gods know where Mitchell didn’t know. Maybe he said in passing that he couldn’t ride a bike but he never expected his boyfriends to be the ones trying to teach him how to ride a bike. Why would he need this at this point?  He heard Connor mumbling about it being some childhood passage but he might’ve ignored it. Because he didn’t think knowing how to ride a bike in camp will matter, they fly pegasi and drive chariots. Bikes were unnecessary in a camp that had things that went faster. Yet here they were, Malcolm, explaining how to get the bike moving and promising they wouldn’t let go until Mitchell said they could.

    “ I really don’t see why I need to learn how to ride a bike,” Mitchell said watching them, "where will I use this?"

"It's just nice to know, just in case you need to bike across the country one day," Connor said patting the seat. "Now sit down we have work to do."

"I would never bike across the country," Mitchell said shaking his head but got onto the bike holding onto the handles tightly. “So I don’t need this.”

    “Can’t you just learn it, for us?” Lee asked.

    “Or are you scared?” Connor said teasing him. Mitchell glared at him before sighing. 

    “Fine, teach me how to ride a bike.”

    For a while, it was going okay. Mitchell could soon ride a short distance before falling over. He wasn’t too happy how his hands were scratched up and he was covered in grass stains now. But he would admit he thrived on the fact Lee held his hands after they started to get too scratched up and healed them with songs. But not out loud. Malcolm’s thing was gushing, not his. Even if he might be the second one to gush about it to most of his siblings. 

    But soon Mitchell started to get annoyed because they said this was easy to learn but he just couldn’t grasp it. He actually started to get worse and worse at bike riding before he threw the bike down and stormed away from it. The other three had a silent conversation with their eyes before Lee walked over slowly.

    “Mitchell are you okay?” Lee asked.

    “You all said it was easy to learn, so why can’t I go more than a few feet?” Mitchell said kicking a rock. 

    “Well, that’s still further than some kids. not everyone can hop on a bike and just ride it the first time through.” Lee said, “You almost have it though. I think if you tried again you will be able to do it without us.” 

    “How can you be so sure?” Mitchell said rolling his eyes.

    “Because I have faith in you,” Lee told him. Mitchell looked at him before nodding slowly letting them back over to the other two.

    Mitchell climbed back onto the bike and took a deep breath before taking off. It took him a few seconds before he realized they had let go and he was doing it by himself. He grinned to himself as the other three cheered. He understood why they wanted him to learn so much now.

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