Combat training with best boi Bakugou

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Aang pov

It had been awhile we had moved camps at least twice or maybe three times. I had forgotten already. I thought about how if I wanted to one day be a worthy avatar then I would need to train harder. I was normally all happy and all which I still was but our flying on Appa was timed for less time mailing because of the extra wait. I got up early that morning seeing that there was already a certain hot headed spiky blond st the fire place. I remembered that Katara had doused the fire with water bending but it was lit again. I soon remembered that mister spike hair had some sorta explosion power. I walk over to him and see that he's messing with his fingers while making small explosions.

" what the hell do you want from me?!" He growled at me. I smiled at him saying nothing I return. We sat in silence for a little while before I got a good training idea.

" Bakugou. Can we train together like hand to hand combat skills? I need the practice and you seem pretty good at it." I knew how to play him to agree to something. I heard him scoff and his nod made me grin, we go into the forest area and  he teaches me some things before completely laying me flat on the ground during a no extra power sparring match.

" nice job Bakugou thanks for the help." I say while trying to get a k on my feet. It took me a mi Ute to regain balance but once did I began to walk back to camp with a bruise on my right arm. Midoriya saw us and then my bruise.

" omg did Kachin hurt you Aang?!?" He said in worry. I shake my head smiling whilst telling him about the training. He sighed and nodded but still eyed Bakugou with weird looking eyes that meant don't touch the boy. It was true I was only 12 years old not counting my iceberg years. And they were 16 years d. I was i Lynch a kid to them and yet it bugged me to the brink of wanting to slap them all with a small air gust.

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