bending with a quirk

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Uraraka pov

I walked up to Aang and sat down next to him. the girl who I know knew as Katara glared at me. i didn't know why but I stayed quite until something popped into my head.

"Hey Aang! I have and Idea. since you can kinda float and fly and my quirk alows me to float why don't we see who can float for longer?" I asked him. his face lit up and he turned to me with huge smile and nodded.

"you're on." he smiled. we got to our feet and somehow got angery boi (aka bakugou) to count down for us.

"three two one!" he shouted at us. we both lifted ourselves from the ground.

"don't you dare loose round face." muttered Bakugou before turning away from me and Aang walking over to Kirishima-kun. the two of us floated for at least ten minutes straight before we both began to wobble a little bit. I hold my mouth shut to keep from puking. Aang is closing his eyes to keep from falling. thats when we both were dropped to the ground by a loud cracking of ice. both falling at the same time.

"that was fun I think we tied." smiled Aang helping me to my feet. I nod and look to see Katara and Todoroki-kun working together on something. 

No ones pov

Todoroki was making walls of ice and Katara was making the ice into water. It looked like some sort of dance they were doing. the beauty of quirks and Bending working together. the sight was amazing to see.

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