is todoroki crying?

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Bakugou pov

Who the hell does this fire boy think he is. He is probably not half as strong as me. I tell myself exploding some of his arm. It seemed that shitty haired boyfriend was 'worried' for me.

"Katsuki!" he yelled out my name. I just ignored him and made another explosion. But thee fire bastard didn't let down he went on coming at me. Though he didn't land not one solid hit on me. I take a glance at everyone who fell into this shit with me. I noticed that Todoroki actually looked scared. Todoroki and scared didn't really go into the same sentence together. As the boy charged at me again I took a look at his face and gagged on thin air. He had the same scar as the shit nerds boyfriend. I blink only just avading his attack. This went on for a few more minutes until I realized that the girl had with the braided loop hair had enough. She walked up to todoroki and he stepped back making a smaller ice wall. The girl smiled using the water from the ice to slam it into the teen who was attacking me. He stumbled back and the girl pinned him down with ice to a tree. Holding a ice dagger at his throat.

No ones pov

Katara didn't loosen her grip on the fire up boy (that being Zuko not Bakugou) but stared at the random new comers. Todoroki honestly was terrified of where her was and who these people were. So scared he was actually shaking with fear which made Midoriya have to rub circles into Todoroki's back to calm him down. Everyone was kinda nervous. Aang cautiously walked up to th only one who was standing alone which was uraraka.

"Umm..... I'm Aang who are you?" he asked the girl. Uraraka smiled at him and introduced herself.

"My name is Ochako Uraraka. You can call me Uraraka-san since we've just met an stuff. It's nice to meet you Aang-san." she told Aang. and looked at the strange girl and wondered why she had said san at the end. Everyone had slowly started to calm down except for Bakugou and Zuko. they were yelling insults at each other. Midoriya held Todoroki close to his chest holding the shaking boy close to him while looking around at everyone. One of them had a fire quirk who apparently was the enemy of the others. The black haired girl had some sort of rocky earth quirk. The girl with the braid and hair loops had a water quirk but the rest he had no idea.

"Shochan I'm gonna need you to let go for now. We might be in for a fight." whispered Midoriya. Todoroki loosened his grip on Midoriya standing up on his own.

~time skip to when Zuko finally left them be~

Todoroki pov

I sat next to Izuchan leaning on his shoulder as we all sat in a circle and had proper introductions.

"Hi there I'm Aang! And I'm a airbender, waterbender, earthbender and kinda a fire bender." I am yet again confused. What does bending mean? I wondered. Bakugou seemed to ask firs in his own way. A bunch of yelling. Aang calmly answered him Kirishima explained what quirks were. Thats when the girl who now I knew as katara-san asked me about why I looked like zuko and why I had the same scar. My mind flashed back and I began to cry. I shoto todoroki cried.

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