Traveling with my villain of a brother

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Daddy issues ( Todoroki ) pov

 I had decided to leave and travel alone with just me and my brother. Everyone was okay with that except for of course my boyfriend until I told him that I hadn't spoken with my brother since I was 7 years old. He had them let me go with Da- I mean Touya. Now we were walking randomly through the woods.

" Touya where are we even going?" I asked him. He looked down on me and ruffled my hair in a playful manner.

" I have no fucking idea where we are going!" He said in a bright voice. His voice was only a bit different than what I had remembered. I almost laughed  at how sure he sounded even though his words meant something else.

" so Touya what did you do to yourself end up..that." I pointed to his face and arms. He lowered his head then began a sad tale. 

" when I said goodbye to you I had taken a needle and bandages a first aid kit because I knew that I wouldn't make it. Instead a crazy girl you know Himiko toga the one with the messy space buns found me bringing me to the league of villains......" the story continued on and on then the last word I heard Touya before he stopped talking was screamed in pain. I didn't wanna hear about my brother being  hurt that way. At some point during the walk I leaned my body against my brother because I was getting tired,

" wanna stop for a bit Sho?" Asked Dabi. I nodded and we found a suitable tree the lean our backs up against. It was nice just me and Touya. I was overjoyed that I had found him again. Now the last thing left to do to get my perfect life would be getting out of this place unharmed.

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