Chapter Twenty: Rylo

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Mom came into my room while I was in the middle of a game.

"Change of plans," She started. "We're going to Times Square."

"Why?" I questioned.

"Look at the news channel."

I changed the input on my TV, flipped through the channels until I found the news. On it, there was a live recording of a huge mob of people. Two mobs actually. The recording was taken from the sky, probably on a helicopter. The screen changed to a reporter on the ground. She said that the Sea Dwellers demanded war with the Pyro Residents, both of which she seemed to be confused about. The reporter told the viewers to stay away from Times Square at all costs.

Evidently, there had been a massacre caused by the Sea Dwellers, and the police couldn't stop them. The FBI was on their way. And I was about to get involved in that mess. Lovely. Thankfully the car ride wouldn't be that long, considering I live in Yorkville.

"Let's go then," I sighed.


When we got close enough to walk, dad parked the car in a random parking lot. After that, we ran as far as we could without getting stopped by the police guarding the area. I didn't have the Hydra's Tooth or whatever, so I had to improvise. Holding the Inferno Blade in one hand, and the Tide Pearl in the other, I ducked under the crime scene tape.

It didn't take long for an officer to see me. "Kid! I'm going to have to ask you to get back on this side of the tape."

I ignored him. He must have noticed the sword because he started talking to someone on his walkie talkie, asked if he should attempt to interrogate me for answers about the situation. He thought I'm one of those people. I'm sure everyone did. I guessed, technically, I was.

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