Chapter Twelve: Rylo

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After my hero act, I went straight to my room to sleep. I had just started to drift off when somebody knocked on my door. I sat up reluctantly and gave whoever was at the door permission to come in. Both my parents came in, wearing the same looks on their faces. Serious disappointment and genuine concern.

"Your face is blowing up on social media," My dad stated.

I looked at him, confused, "What do you mean?"

"Someone managed to get a video of you running into a burning house," Mom said. "The recording also showed you running out with a girl in your arms."

I looked at them for a second, wondering how I should respond.

"I was taking a walk and I saw smoke," I began. "I went to the fire, and it turned out to be the Robins' house that was burning. I overheard Mrs. Robins telling a firefighter that Katelyn was still in there, so I went in and saved her."

"That was very heroic of you, but now the world knows that you're different. They might even know that you're immune to fire," Dad sighed.

"Well, what was I supposed to do? The firefighters might not have found her in time. I didn't want to just stand there when I could be doing something about it," I replied.

My parents exchanged glances. Then mom spoke up.

"Now that you've made yourself known, I think it's time for you to make a decision. You can either go with your dad to the core of Earth, or you can go with me to the depths of the ocean. You won't hurt our feelings no matter who you choose. We will reunite here on the surface once your job is complete. You can take your time to choose, but it must be decided tonight,"

I didn't know how to react when she told me this, so I said nothing. I sat on my bed and did nothing. My parents left me to ponder what I would do. And I thought my life couldn't change even more. I had been forced to choose between my mom or my dad, and go to a whole different world. I just laid down and died. Mentally.

(Sorry I've been writing short chapters for Rylo. I told you I wasn't good at writing.)

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