Chaper 7

570 15 3

I smile up at Justin as we walk side by side, with Nick and Ally following behind us.

" So what school do you go to?" Justin says while looking down at me.

" Ridgeway. What about you?" I ask kicking a rock that was infront of my foot.

" I'm actually switching to Ridgeway in a few days." Justin says with a smile.

" Really?" I basically yell as I start to get a bit excited.

He let's out a little laugh. Which was insanely cute. "Yeah. I just moved here from North Carolina." He replies.

" Really? That's pretty cool. Did Nick just move here too?" I ask looking up at him again.

" No, he's my best friend, he's always lived here so we just decided to move out here too." Justin says flashing me a smile.

" Gotcha. Oh I wanna ride that one!" I tell while pointing towards the Avalanche which was the biggest roller coaster here.

"Let's do it then!" Justin yells while grabbing my hand and running towards the ride.

" Get it!" I turn around to see Ally yelling at me while laughing and giving me a thumbs up.

Nick joins in on laughing as the walk towards another ride.

" Race ya." I smirk while running toward the ride.

I feel to arms come around my waist.

" You're pretty fast you know." Justin says while laughing.

I lightly blush at him still having his arms around me.

" I know." I say while playfully flipping my hair.

" Oh conceited much?" Justin says while putting his chin on my shoulder.

I smile to myself and say "nah not at all."

" Next."

I look up to the worker opening the door to the seat for Justin and I to sit in.

I get into the seat and Justin sits down beside me, as the door closes and locks, and the railing comes down for us to grab on to.

" Before the ride starts let's take a selfie." I laugh while taking out my phone.

When my camera opens I see Justin smiling at me. I smile, and say " Cheeseeeee!"

I smile at the camera, and then make a funny face.

" Look at your face in this!" I say in between laughs.

" Hey I think I did a better funny face than you!" he argues back while laughing.

" I like it, I'm going to post this!" I say while logging on to my twitter.

" What is your username?" I ask turning Justin.

He took my phone and typed it in.

After captioning the picture " Fair with @justin_smith (: " I posted it.

Minutes later I saw a tweet from Matthew that said " Who is he?".

I mentally laugh to myself and then tweet " lol not you."

After that I put my phone back into my pocket, and turn to smile at Justin.

Young and RecklessWhere stories live. Discover now