Chapter 30

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I woke up to massive headache that immediately made me groan and grab my head.

"Ahh, it has awaken." I hear Matt's voice say.

I look over to see him sitting in a chair with a glass of water and a bottle that looks like pills.

"What" I begin to say before grabbing my head again and wincing at the pain shooting through my head.

"What happened?" Matt finishes for me.

I just look at him, as a sign to continue.

"Well the party last night? Yeah it was awesome by the way, but it only lasted an hour for you." Matt laughs.

I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"You started drinking with Taylor last night, and Taylor walked away from you, leaving you alone. Which caused this random douche to come talk to you, and then he tried to take advantage of you. Luckily for you Cameron saw what was happening and stopped the guy. In the end Cameron got into a fight, and Nash and I put you in bed." Matt explains leaving me completely speechless.

"Why would Cameron?" I begin to say before Matt cuts me off.

"He likes you Brooke. He may be a complete jerk at times and acts like an idiot but he seriously does like you." Matt says before walking to my bed with the bottle and glass.

"Now take these pills, they'll help with your hangover. Whenever you feel better take a shower and then come find me." Matt says.

I nod before cracking a smile and telling him thank you.

A smile forms on Matt's face before he bends down placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Anytime princess." He says before leaving the room.

I place the two pills in my mouth before taking a sip of the water.

I stay in the same position for a little while until my head ache let's up.

Pulling the covers off of my body I notice that I'm in one of Matt's t-shirts and a pair of shorts, which means Matt must have changed me out of my dress so I'd be more comfortable.

Making my way to the shower, I pass a mirror and cringe at my appearance.

My hair is messy and my makeup is smudged under my eyes.

I turn around and strip of my clothes before stepping into the shower, to let the warm water hit my skin.

I grab the shampoo and conditioner and rub them around my hair before washing my body.

After I completely rinse myself, I step out and wrap myself into a towel.

Digging around my suit case I find an oversized t-shirt from school, and throw it on along with some sweat pants.

I make my way to the door and towards Matt's room.

Right before I knock on the door I hear Bobby talking to Matt.

"I'm trying Matt I really am, but she's just so gross." She complains.

"She is not." Matt protests.

"Matt seriously, she's trashy and a whore." Bobby says.

"How?" Matt snaps back.

I stand quietly at the door and continue to listen to their conversation. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it.

"Seriously? She's trying to get with basically every guy here, Cameron Jack Nash and probably you." She says.

My heart drops as I figure out they're talking about me.

"C'mon she's trying to get attention and she's also trying to sleep with all of your friends." Bobby says.

"You're right." Matt says quietly.

I felt tears begin to fall, as I stop listening and turn around making my way back to my room.

"Hey Brooke!" Jack says walking up the stairs.

I ignore him and continue walking.

"Hey wait, are you okay?" He asks pulling me into him.

"Why are you crying?" He says seriously.

"I don't wanna talk right now." I say and wiggle out of my grip, going into my room and closing the door.

I plop on to my bed and just sob into my pillow.

How could my "best friend" let his girlfriend talk about me like that and then agree with her. Did he really think that I was a whore? Does everyone look at me like that?

The sound of a door creaking open snaps me out of my daze, as I turn to see Cameron walking through the door that connects our rooms.

"What are you doing?" I sniffle.

"Why are you crying?" He asks seriously.

"I don't wanna" I began to say before he cut me off by hugging me.

We continued to hug before he pulled me down on to my bed.

"I know what you told Jack about not wanting to talk, but you're going to talk to me." Cameron says calmly but at the same time demanding.

"I was going to find Matt like he told me to do after I felt better, and I heard him and Bobby talking about me. She was talking really poorly about me and calling me a whore, and Matt agreed with her." I say causing more tears to fall.

"Is that what I look like? Do I look like a whore?" I cry.

Cameron pulls me into his chest.

"No, you don't. You're not a whore, and everyone here loves you. Fuck them, if he were really your friend he would have defended you and told her off." Cameron says.

"I know." I hiccup.

"Then why are you crying if you know I'm right?" He says.

"I'm not sure." I sniffle.

"I guess because it hurts to hear your best friend agree that you're a whore." I add on.

"God I can't believe he did that." Cameron says beginning to show his anger.

"Me either." I admit.

"You know what? I'm going to go say something to him." Cameron says while standing up.

"Cam." I say but he ignores me and walks to my door.

"Cam stop." I say and grab his arm.

"Brooke stop. They can't just talk about you like that." He says getting annoyed.

"Please just don't. I'm fine now." I say trying to get him to calm down.

"No it's not fine, it's not righ" he rambles on before I kiss him to shut him up.

He immediately kisses back until I pull away.

"What was that for?" He asks surprised.

"Thank you." I tell him as my heart races and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

I watch his facial expression soften.

"What for?" He asks.

"For protecting me last night, and being here for me." I tell him.

"You're welcome, and I always gotta protect my favorite girl." Cameron says with a smirk.

"Can we take a nap please?" I ask him.

"Of course." He smiles down at me.

"C'mon." I say and grab his hand before laying down on my bed.

Cameron wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest as I wrap am arm around his stomach and lay my head on his chest.

"Goodnight beautiful." Cameron whispers, making my cheeks heat up.

"Goodnight." I smile, before falling asleep.

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