Chapter 32

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"What the hell is going on today?" Taylor laughs.

"No idea." Shawn adds in.

"Brooke can I talk to you?" Nash says from across the room.

My eyes shoot up to him and I slowly nod my head before walking towards him.

Nash gently places a hand on the small of my back leading me outside.

"What was that?" He immediately asks as the door shuts.

"That was two incredibly fake people revealing their true colors." I sarcastically laugh.

"What happened?" He says as his eyebrows knit together.

"Matt came and woke me up and gave me medicine and told me to find him after I took a shower, so that's what I was doing." I say.

Nash doesn't say anything as a signal to continue.

"So I get to his room and I hear him and Bobby talking, and she's calling me a whore and saying all of these horrible things about me, and Matt didn't say anything to defend me, instead he agreed with her." I confess to Nash as tears fill my eyes.

"Are you kidding me?" Nash says beginning to get angry.

"No." I mumble.

"Come on." Nash says grabbing my arm and pulling me up.

"Where are we going?" I question.

"To handle all of this bull shit." Nash says while opening the door and pulling me inside.

"Nash please don't." I plead, as all eyes are on the two of us.

"What's going on?" Gilinsky says as Nash pulls me through the house.

"Matt." Nash yells.

All eyes go to Matt as Nash stomps towards him.

"Wha-" Matt begins to say before Nash cuts him off by punching him in the face.

"What the fuck is going on?'' Taylor yells as the boys all jump up to pull Nash off of Matt.

"What was that about?" Bobby yells at Nash.

"It was about you being a bitch, and everyone here is sick of it." Nash says to her.

"You're full of shit." Bobby laughs in Nash's face.

"No you and Matt both are. "Nash shouts back.

Everyone is just standing there watching the entire scene unfold.

"You think you can just come around all of the time because you're dating Matt, but you talk shit about his best friend, while you pretend to be her friend. You called her a whore but you're the one who cheated on Matt. You got so drunk that you left with a random guy and slept with him, so who is really the whore here Bobby?" Nash rambles on leaving everyone shocked with our mouths open wide.

"You can't talk to me like that! Matt say something!" Bobby screams.

Nash turns to Matt with a smirk on his face "Yeah Matt say something, say something like you didn't do when she was talking shit about Brooke, instead you just agreed with her."

I can not believe this is happening. I mainly can't believe that Nash just called them out on so many things right here in front of everyone.

"Wait, hold on." Taylor yells.

"So this bitch" Taylor begins to say and points at Bobby.

"Was talking shit about Brooke and called her a whore, and Matt agreed with her?" Taylor asks.

"That's exactly what happened." Nash finishes.

"Holy shit." I mumble.

"You!" Someone yells causing me to look up.

Of course it was Bobby screaming and pointing at me.

"This is all your fault! Everything was fine until you showed up!" She screams coming closer to me.

She lifts her arm up as to swing at me before Jc picks her up over his shoulder.

"Yeah I don't think you will be doing that, especially not to Brooke or at my house, you're going to have to leave." Jc says before shutting the door in her face.

"Finally!" Johnson shouts making us all laugh.

"That was intense." Hayes laughs.

"No shit." Gilinsky adds.

I look over at Matt who is still sitting on the floor from when Nash knocked him out of his chair.

His eyes were already locked on to mine.

I looked away before slowly shaking my head.

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