Chapter 11

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The number was Matt's.

My heart stops and my breathing becomes unsteady. A million thoughts begin to rush through my mind as to why in the world he's texting me.

"Excuse me for a minute." I say to Justin forcing a fake smile. He just smiles and nods. 

I walk straight to the bathroom and into an empty stall. Not sure what to expect from the message, I hesitantly press open as I lean against the wall, while my minds running wild.

" I know I don't deserve it, but can we please talk? I promise to explain everything. Please."

My heart is racing and I don't even realize I'm typing until after I press send.

" I guess. Give me a few minutes."

I grab my head that's now becoming dizzy, and make my way out of the bathroom and back towards the table where Justin was.

As I sit back at the table Justin's head shoots up and he smiles at me.

" Hey are you alright?" He asks sounding concerned.

"Yeah I'm just not feeling to good, do you think maybe you could drop me off and we can rain check?" I ask slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah of course, c'mon lets get you home." Justin says standing up and putting his arm around me.

I wasn't completely lying about not feeling well, this Matt thing has got me feeling weird.

" Hang on let me pay real quick." Justin says taking his wallet out of his pocket and giving the woman the money.  I just lean against the door waiting to leave.

"Okay let's get you home." Justin says with a small smile as we walk out of the door of the restaurant and to the car.

I slowly sit into the passengers seat, and lean my head against the window as we pull out of the parking lot and back on to the main road.

"I'm sorry you're not feeling good, want me to come in and sit with you?" Justin asks looking between me and the road.

"Oh no it's fine my mom's home and if I'm coming down with something I wouldn't wanna get you sick." I say trying to sound polite.

He doesn't say anything he just nodded his head.

I let out a little sigh and think about how I can't wait to be home.

Within minutes we pull into my driveway and I'm getting out of the car. " Hope you feel better, text me." Justin yells out of the window.

I smile and yell back " I will thanks for lunch." I turn back and walk to my door. As soon as I'm inside and the door is shut I make a run for my room bumping into my mom along the way.

"Woah speed racer, I thought you were on a date?" She asks chuckling a bit.

"I was but Matt texted me asking to talk, so I said yes, and told Justin I wasn't feeling well so he brought me back home. Now I need to go talk to Matt." I say barely taking a breath. Not waiting for a response to go to my room.

"Matt huh?" My mom yells after me. I didn't have to turn around and look to know she's smirking.

"Yes Matt!" I yell before grabbing my laptop and phone and jumping on my bed.

I text Matt saying "video chat whenever you're ready."

Within seconds he texts back. "Nows good."

I log on and my computer gets a notification that Matt wants to video chat. I begin to get nervous again and my stomach is tying in knots.

I mess with my hair for a minute before accepting the call.

A few minutes later Matt pops up on the screen. Hopefully he can't tell I'm nervous.

"Hey." He says with a small smile.

"Hi." I say without emotion.

"How are you?" He asks running a hand through his hair.

"Fine." I reply plainly.

"What are you up to?" He asks again.

"Matt what is this about? You can't just not talk to me before much less tell me you're going on tour which you didn't, not to mention you didn't even say goodbye, and then try to talk to me like everything's fine because its not." I snap.

He looks taken back but then his expression changes to realization.

"You're right, and I totally deserved that but that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

" I wanted to tell you about the tour as soon as I found out but I was scared and didn't know what to say. I kept telling myself I was going to tell you but every time I brought myself to it I bailed. The day I left I went to your door and was about to knock but again I chickened out. You had already found out and were mad and I was scared you would ignore me so I didn't try. I..I miss you and I'm so sorry." Matt managed to choke out with teary eyes.

My eyes were watering and tears began to fall. " I'm so so sorry I should have talked to you." I managed to let out sobbing now.

" Hey hey princess don't cry. " I hear Matt say laughing a little bit.

I let out a giggle and wipe my face.

"So we good now?" Matt asks with a weak smile.

" Yeah we're good." I smile.

"I'm glad." Matt says rubbing his face.

"Me too. So tell me about the tour." I say with a smile.

I look at my clock and notice we've been talking for hours and it's close to 11:30p.m.

"Oh my gosh Matt its eleven thirty. I'm gonna go to sleep. " I laugh.

"Okay but first I got a question." Matt says nervously.

"Shoot." I say.

"Will you come out to St.Louis for Magcon?" Matt asks with an innocent smile.

I laugh and then say " If I can get a ticket. Now goodnight." I smile.

"Goodnight!" Matt yells before hanging up.

I smile and get up to get ready for bed.

Jumping back in bed my phone to lights up with a text from Matt. I open it up to see a picture.

It's a plane ticket for next Tuesday to St.Louis.  With the caption " hotels already reserved you'll room with me, goodnight beautiful.(: "

I lay down with a smile on my face.

Gosh I missed him.


So I'm going to try to post as much as possible but I'm going to make sure that I update at least once every Sunday.

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