Chapter 37

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I stare blankly at Matt, and try to comprehend what he is saying.

"Are you kidding?" I groan.

"No Brooke I'm not." Matt rolls his eyes.

"Do not roll your eyes at me, I'm the one who should be mad." I say and through a t-shirt into my suitcase.

"It's just until the next show." Matt says calmly.

"That's in two weeks Matthew." I snap.

"Yeah, I'm aware." Matt rolls his eyes again.

"When are we going to hang out? Ever since you ever so kindly introduced me to Bobby you've seemed to lost all interest in hanging out with your best friend." I mumble.

"Oh come on Brooke, it's not all of my fault. You've spent this entire trip with Cam, Nash, or Gilinsky." Matt shoots back.

He did have a point, I have spent the majority of my time with those three boys, but that was only because he was to wrapped up in Bobby.

"I need to finish packing." I say while tossing another shirt in the suitcase.

"Okay, I'm going to pick Bobby up, and then we're going to head to the airport, so be ready by the time I get back." Matt says and walks out of the room.

I roll my eyes and sigh and put the rest of my items into my suitcase before shutting it.

I walk over to Cam and Nash's room to see them laughing and throwing pillows at each other.

"Hey princess." Cameron says placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi." I smile.

"What's up weirdo?" Nash jokes.

I plop myself down on Cameron's bed.

"Bobby is flying home with Matthew and I." I groan.

Both of the boys look at me shocked.

"Ew why?" Nash says and makes a disgusted face.

"He wants her to meet his family." I mock Matt.

"Oh joy." Nash rolls his eyes.

"Tell me about it." I mumble.

"It won't be too bad, just text us and sleep the whole time." Cameron smiles at me trying to make the situation better.

"Yeah, I just wish you guys could come too." I say while smushing my face into a pillow.

"Only two weeks babe." Cameron smiles and kisses my temple.

"That's true." I say.

"Brooke! It's time to go!" I hear someone yell from downstairs.

"I guess its about that time." Nash mumbles.

I stand up and pull Nash into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you." I mumble into his chest.

"I'm gonna miss you too best friend." Nash smiles.

Cameron immediately pulls me into a hug, suffocating me with his cologne.

"Bye baby." He says and kisses my forehead.

"Bye." I mumble.

I look up at Cameron before kissing him goodbye.

"Awe love birds." Nash jokes.

"Hush." I laugh.

"Bye Brooke, see you in two weeks. Face time me when you get home!" Cameron says.

I smile and nod my head before walking downstairs and am greeted by everyone else.

I pass out hugs and tell them all goodbye.

"Alright let's head on out." Matt says clapping his hands.

I follow Bobby and him outside to the car and set my things in the trunk before climbing in closest to the window.

The driver begins to head to the airport and the car is completely quiet besides the soft sound of the radio playing.

Within minutes we are at the airport and immediately rushed on the plane to avoid confrontation with the fans.

I was the first to board the plane so I again choose the seat closest to the window.

Bobby sits by the isle, putting Matt in the middle of both of us.

I take out my phone and type a message to my mom saying I was on the plane and about to be heading home.

Matt turns to look at me as if he might say something, since he hasn't since we left the house.

I turn to look at him waiting for him to say something.

As he opens his mouth to speak Bobby buts in.

"Matty what if your parents don't like me?" She whines.

All of Matt's attention turns to her, which causes me to roll my eyes.

The plane takes off and we are now heading back home.

My phone vibrates with a message from Cameron saying he already misses me.

I smile down at my phone before telling him I missed him also.

I press the lock button and lean my head against the window and slowly fall asleep.

"Brooke wake up." Matt says and gently shakes me.

I open my eyes to see Matthew standing in front of me.

"We've landed. Its time to get off." He says before turning to find Bobby.

I get up from my seat and follow him off of the plane.

As we walk through the gate of the airport I look around frantically trying to find my mom.

Once my eyes land on her excitement rushes through me causing me to sprint towards her, and engulf her into a hug.

"Oh my baby!" She yells and hugs me back.

"I missed you so much." She smiles looking at me.

"I missed you too!" I laugh.

"Lets get you home so you can tell me all about your trip." She smiles

Boy did I have a lot to tell her.



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