Chapter 42

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Today was the day that we were leaving to head back on tour. I was extremely excited to get back on the road, and be with everyone again, but I was also sad to be leaving my mom behind.

I'm now sitting on an uncomfortable chair in the lobby of the airport, while waiting for them to call our flight.

Nash is invested into his phone, Cameron is talking to Bobby and Matt, while I'm just sitting here holding my moms hand like a little kid.

"Flight two ten to Chicago is now loading." A woman's voice says over the load intercom.

"Well I guess this is you." My mom says as she stands up and pulls me into a hug.

I let out a sigh and squeeze her tighter.

"Be good please." She giggles.

A small smile spreads across my face.

"I always am mom." I say.

"Okay, call me when you land. I love you." She says before kissing my head.

"I will, I love you too." I say before hugging her once again.

"Cameron watch over her please." My mom jokes but almost seems serious.

"Of course." Cameron smiles.

"Nice meeting you all, Matt take care of yourself love." my mom says to everyone.

We all say our goodbyes and board the plane.

Matt and Bobby sat beside each other, and Cameron and Nash sat next to each other leaving me alone and an empty seat for a stranger beside me.

I took it upon myself to take the window seat that way I could look at all of the city lights while we were flying.

With my headphones in I stare out of the window and wait for the plane to take off.

Out of the corner of my eye I see someone sit down next to me, but I don't turn to fully look at them.

My music keeps playing, taking me away from the real world until the person beside me drops something.

I now give them my attention and turn to see what they're doing.

My eyes meet a pair of brown eyes that belong to a tan guy with a mix of brown and dirty blonde hair. His jawline was cut perfectly, and he was dressed quite nice just for a plane ride.

I stare at him for a couple of minutes because I slowly start to recognize him.

How do I know him? Who is he?

After looking at him for awhile I finally figured out who he was.

"Oh my god, you're Ryan Butler." I smile.

"Yeah I am." He flashes his pearly white teeth.

Oh my god.

"You're Justin Bieber's best friend." I say with my cheeks heating up.

"Yes I am, are you a fan?" he asks me.

"A huge one." I say and let out a giggle.

"You're a very pretty one also." He says smoothly.

I feel heat rise to my cheeks, and I couldn't help but to smile.

"Thank you." I say.

"You're very welcome." Ryan says with a smile.

The rest of the plane ride consisted of Ryan and I talking and getting to
know each other.

I learned a lot about his hobbies, and heard some stories about Justin and him. It was definitely a plane ride I would never forget.

"We are now landing in Chicago." A voice says over a speaker.

We all stand up and grab our things before exiting the plane.

As I meet back up with Nash and the rest of them and begin to walk away I hear someone call my name.

I turn around to see Ryan walking towards me.

"Oh hey Ryan." I smile.

"Hey, I was just going to ask if I could get your number?" He asks turning a deep shade of red.

A small smile creeps on my face as I nod my head.

He hands me his phone, and I insert my number and put a heart eye emoji next to my name.

"Here ya go." I smile and hand him his phone back.

"Thank you." He smiles.

"Well it was nice meeting you." I say.

"The pleasure was all mine, I'll be calling you, I'm sure Justin would love to meet you sometime." Ryan says before turning away.

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