Chapter 3-The Rampage

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Ever been so angry?
That you feel like tearing your skin apart?
You feel the unfading voices screaming DESTROY!!. You feel like running away from everything would bring you eternal long lasting peace.
The Sun Dragon crawling all the way out of her prison cell. She can scent the blood of her enemy in her dragon vision. The White Fang troops comes in all defenses and even had brutes to support them. Yang got one thing in her head. She smirks as she licking her fangs and her claws are dripping blood. The two words that will repeat in her head. The words...are Rip and Tear.

The White Fang forces opened fire at Yang with machine guns and rifles. She dodged every bullets and claws 2 troopers, their head comes off and blood spilled everywhere. She grab one trooper's head and ripping it off completely then grabs other trooper blasting her with the shotgun. Her stomach was healing itself from her new powers she had unlocked. The Trooper looked stunned and dropped the shotgun to surrender. Yang hates them surrendering and she claws his arms completely ripping them and she stab his chest, slowly ripping his body in half and guts spilled everywhere.

Two Brutes charged at them and Yang backsflip and grabs their head. She slowly cracking their heads, squeezing it. She clenched their head so hard, gushing their brains out. blood was dripping all over her of her kills. she looked at her hands and slowly licking the blood. She felt the monster had controlled her. she wanted more..She wanted..Vengeance.

"Guts...H-Huge Guts...Kill them..Must Kill them All!" She said in demonic and dark tone as she clawing to the throne of Adam Taurus. Ready to end him and rip and tear his body

(Some of the words are references to Doom Eternal)

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