▀▄▀▄💎𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 15💎▄▀▄▀

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Kairi's POV
I woke up much earlier than usual, suffocating in the heat of the blankets. I had fallen asleep with two thick covers, expecting it to be cold that night, but woke up covered in sweat.

I decided to take a shower, knowing Mattia was going to take forever in the bathroom. As I got up, a sick feeling settled in my stomach; the same one that had lingered for the past three months.

I turned the water to Hot, waiting for it to warm up as I stripped of my pajamas. I hissed as the scalding water hit my back, and pumped shampoo into my palm. I washed my hair, getting some of the soap in my eye, which - by the way- hurts like a bitch, then washed the rest of my body. After letting the water run for too long, I got out, wrapping a towel around my chest so it covered most of my torso.

I dried my hair with a different towel, then went back into our bedroom where Mattia was just waking up. "'Morning." I say, slipping on some boxers then dropping my towel.

"You're already up?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. I nodded, sliding one of his shirts over my head. "Really? My shirt?"

"My shirt now," I smirk, crawling back into the bed. I felt Mattia grab my waist and pull me to his chest.

"You smell good." He mumbles, sticking his face in my neck.

"Your breath doesn't," I fake-gag, pushing him away. "Go get ready, we have another appointment today. " I said when Mattia walked out of the room.



Kairi's POV
"Is pizza considered breakfast food?" I say, looking in the fridge. We really needed to go grocery shopping, but lines to just get into stores were insanely long.

"Not really, unless it's like, a giant pancake with fruit toppings." Mattia says from behind me. The hypocrite yells at me for sitting on the counter, then goes and does the exact same thing.

"Should we do Uber-Eats then?" I close the fridge, and turn around. "There's literally nothing here."

He nodded, and pulled out his phone to order. "Starbucks?" He suggests, opening the app. I nod, and tell him my order even though we know each other's by heart.

3rd POV
"Kai come on, we're gonna be late!" Mattia shouted up the hallway.

Kairi stumbled around the room, trying to get his foot into his shoe. It was already tied, but he was still trying to get the damn thing on. "Screw it, I'll go barefoot." He grumbled, grabbing the shoe and his phone, practically falling down the stairs.

"Ok, lets- what happened to your shoes?" Mattia asked, getting dragged to the door by his husband.

"It wouldn't go on, so I'll figure it out in the car." Kairi explained, yanking the car door open. Mattia frowned. Kai knew that Mattia didn't like when he was rough with vehicles.

As they drove down the road, Kairi was still struggling with his shoe. "What kind of ..... fuckery.... is this?"

"Just untie it for Christ's sake." Mattia huffed, turning into a new lane and honking at some asshole.


"Anything new happening?" Dr Parker asked, clicking her pen.

"Um, Google said that the nauseous-ness should have passed by now, but I still wake up feeling sick." Kairi mentioned, ignoring the confused look from his husband.

"You said you were feeling better this morning..." Mattia said.

"Well I wasn't."

"I can give some medication to ease the nausea, you can pick it up at any local pharmacy." The doctor said, handing Kairi a prescription slip. "I'm going to do a quick checkup, then we'll get to the ultrasound."

She measured his height and weight, again telling him he was underweight. She took his blood pressure, then his temperature.

Kairi's POV
"Ok, I'm going to check your heartbeat now," She said, lifting my shirt off my back and pressing the cold stethoscope to my skin.

"Inhale," She instructs, and I breathe deeply. I hold it for a few seconds before I'm told to exhale. As I breathe out, she presses her hands on my back and chest, squeezing my torso. She repeated this a few more times, then had me lay down on the table. I saw her grab a tube of something, and a white stick.

"Please tell me that's not going inside my body..." I say, moving away from her hand.

"It's not," Dr. Parker laughs, and I feel myself relax a little. "This connects to my computer, and will show your baby on that projector. It's like a camera." I was told to lay down again and lift up my shirt as she moved to shut off the lights.

3rd POV
Kairi shivered as he felt a cold gel on his stomach. It had a bluish tint, and was apparently the substance inside the tube.

He watched as Dr. Parker moved the wand around,
clicking a button on the instrument every few seconds.

A minute later, the image from her computer projected onto the wall, illuminating the room. The couple watched as the image moved, showing a grey blob.

"It looks like a potato." Kairi finally said.

"We can name it Potatonya," Mattia joked, making the other two laugh.

Dr Parker moved her mouse to show what the picture was. "That's you baby's head. And then the body, the hands, and the feet."

"I can print out a sonogram for you to take home if you'd like." She said, turning the lights back on, and handing Kairi a tissue to wipe off the gel.

"Yes please." Kairi said, and watched as the doctor printed it out.

"There you go," She handed Mattia the printed picture. "Now, would you like to know the gender?"
no note today folks🦹


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