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Chapter 5 continued

Mattia was pacing in the waiting room when his phone chimed. He quickly took out the device, barely checking the profile before accepting the call.

"Hello?" The tall man breathed, running his hand through his hair. "Hey, Ale!"

Ale: Yo, what's up man? What's happenin' with you?

"Well, hasn't been great." Mattia scratched his nose. He couldn't sit still. "Kairi's in the ER right now."

Ale: ER!? Dude what happened?

"I don't know, that's the thing." Mattia sat down and stood right back up. " He was bleeding, but from a place that wasn't really normal to bleed? I don't know, I'm super confused..."

Ale: Just tell me straight up what happened. Start from the beginning.

Mattia sat down again, and stayed put. "Okay, so recently Kairi has been getting sick, like in the mornings, but then saying he feels fine in the afternoon. He's absolutely exhausted, even though he's like always sleeping. He's been super emotional so he'll be sobbing his eyes out or trying to strangle me."

Ale: Damn. You know, that reminds me of when my mom's friend got cancer, she acted just like Ka-

"DON'T even say that." Mattia yelped. He didn't want to think of anything bad happening. "I don't want that thought in my head."

Ale: Sorry bro. But I'm sure he's fine.

Mattia leaned back in the cushioned chair he was sitting in. "I really hope so."

Kairi's POV

"I'm what?!" I felt my jaw drop.

"Pregnant." The doctor repeated. "You are very lucky, but you are going to have a child."

I don't believe this doctor. At all. I come to this hospital because I'm bleeding out my ass, get thrown in the ER, and strapped to a plastic bed. Now Gandalf the Doctor is telling me I'm fucking pregnant?! "How is that even possible! I'm a guy!"

"Oh it very much is possible. And I suggest you calm down, stress can be damaging to a developing fetus." The doctor said.

"I-how... is this real?" I was so confused right now, and it was making me dizzy.

"Here," The doctor handed me a small cup. "It's water. You look pale." I sat up from the bed, and drank it slowly. I look at his badge, which reads 'Samson Melville'.

"Now, I'm going to tell you a lot of information about what happened, and what to do. Everything I'm going to say is also in this packet."

"Okay..." I took the packet, and placed it next to my coat. The next words made my heart skip a beat.

3rd POV
Dr. Melville exhaled deeply, and looked at his iPad. "You had a threatened miscarriage."
The machine next to Kairi paused momentarily, then began picking up the electrical currents again.

"W-what?" Kairi knew those words, and he hated them with a passion. He felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. When Kairi's mother was pregnant with his little sister Maiya, the same exact this happened. The blood, the pain, and the hospital. Kairi's dad had almost gone mad with worry.

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