▀▄▀▄🎀 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 9 🎀 ▄▀▄▀

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Definitely pregnant.
also Mattia's fine after passing out, he's just a dramatic bish.

3rd POV
Mattia was watching some show on tv when Kairi shuffled in, one of Mattia's hoodies drowning his small form.

"Hi," Kairi mumbled, walking over to the couch and curling into Mattia's lap. "I'm sitting here now."

"Ok." Mattia readjusted Kairi so the position was comfortable to both of them. "Did you just wake up? You look kinda tired." Mattia ran a thumb under Kairi's eye where the skin was dark and baggy.

"No." Kairi rested his head on Mattia's chest. "I'm exhausted. I can't fall asleep, but when I finally do, I can't stay asleep."

"Aw, poor baby." Mattia laughed. "Do you wanna go cuddle and see if that helps?" He asked, rubbing the smaller's man's back.

"No..." Kairi's voice was muffled as he turned his face into Mattia's shoulder. The boy was shaking and Mattia felt his shirt dampen. "Wanna stay here."

Mattia pulled away from Kai in order to see the younger's teary face. "Baby what wrong?" Mattia asked, wiping Kairi's cheek. "Why are you crying?"

"I don't know!" A few salty drops slid down Kairi's flushed cheek. He'd been feeling sick all morning, but wasn't able to do anything about it. He was freezing but sweating at the same time, and he had the worst headache imaginable.

"Think you have a fever babe," Mattia said, laying a wrist on Kairi's forehead. "You're burning."

Mattia was concerned. Kairi had been complaining about stomach pains all week. "Is it cramping again?" He asked, pulling Kairi back to his chest. The small boy nodded. "We can cuddle here, I can make you some tea...or I can start a bath? What do you wanna do?"

"Bath..." Kairi mumbled.


Mattia ran his hand under the faucet, the hot water slightly burning his skin. Kairi was sitting cross-legged on the toilet seat, his head in his hands.

"Hey," Mattia crouched in front of his husband's small form. "You okay?" Kairi nodded.

"You sure?" Mattia asked again. He felt useless, like he couldn't help fix the situation.

"I'm fine," Kairi said. "Just tired." He uncrossed his legs and stood up, wobbling slightly. The small man began to undress, Mattia helping to pull off the large sweatshirt.

Kairi self-consciously shied away, wrapping his arms around his middle. "Stop staring at me, you creep."

Mattia's POV
But I couldn't stop staring. He was just that pretty. His skin glowed in the dimmed bathroom light, the nude color like caramel.

Wow, that was kinda poetic.

"Art is meant to be stared at." I smirk, and he blushes, the soft powder pink spreading across his face. Why is Shakespeare's ghost haunting me...

"Shut up," He mutters, looking down.

I shake my head, and take his hands in my own. "You're so pretty," I whisper, barely loud enough for him to hear. I hook my thumbs into his waistband, and gently pull down, exposing more of his golden-glazed body.

"And this," He watches my hands slide down to his stomach, where the small bump displayed our future child.

"Mattia, that's literally fat-" Kairi tried to say but I cut him off.

"It's amazing." I say, and catch him in a kiss. He kisses back, an intense roughness is held back. "If we do this now," I mutter. "By the time you get in, the bathwater will be cold."

3rd POV
Kairi rolled his eyes but stepped into the tub, sinking into the warmth.

"Feel better now?" Mattia chuckled at the noises of content coming from the small man.

"Much," Kairi mumbled, tipping his head back to wet his hair. "Might fall asleep."

Mattia laughed at that.

"I had bought this bath bomb when I went to the store, it's in one of the drawers." Kairi said, splashing a bit of water over the edge. "Oops. Can you get it for me?"

Mattia wiped up the water, and got the bath bomb. "...Peppermint sugar? You hate peppermint."

Kairi shrugged. "It didn't smell like it though, it was more wintergreen."

"Okay then." Mattia ripped open the packaging, and handed the chalky sphere to the brunet. Kairi dropped it in the water with a 'spLoOsh' and watched it foam.


3rd POV
"If you don't move yo nasty engine out of my face, I will blow your shit!" Kairi shouted. The two were watching Cars, but in French instead of English. (idk I guess there's a setting where you can change the language)

" I can't move, the light is red!" Mattia yelled at the screen. They were playing a game they'd made up, and they called it 'Translation'. You put a movie on mute, or in a different language, and improvise the character's lines, making the movie a lot more fun.

"i don't give a damn!" Kairi giggled, flopping back into the mound of pillows. The scene was where McQueen and Sally were driving through the countryside, and McQueen had leaves blown in his...eye area. The couple was never able to just simply sit and watch a movie at home, they always had to make it interactive.

"Oh, hey random statement." Kairi said, crawling across the bed to Mattia. "I- we have another doctor's appointment at the end of the month. Which is also this weekend."

Mattia paused the movie. "Okay, great. I was wondering when the actual visits would start."

Kairi nodded, and sat criss-cross(applesauce) next to the taller man. "Yeah, it's with a Dr. Parker, I got an email yesterday."

"Why did you not inform me?" Mattia asked, slight hurt in his voice. Kairi rolled his eyes.

"I got an email at 10:30 at night, I wasn't going to wake you up." the brunet shifted, keeping his eyes down.

"I was awake at 10:30," Mattia argued, but stopped when he saw Kairi's look.

The shorter man stared with a knowing look. "Learn to tell time. You conked out at 8."

Next chapter will be the first visit to the obstetrician, and Cynthia is introduced. I know a lot of people hate her, but she's only the doctor in this. No hidden romances.
(An obstetrician is the baby doc)

The next chapter is also the last chapter of the first trimester, so chapter 11 will be the start of the second trimester. This is where the baby starts to grow rapidly. I'm also going to need a different emoji for that, so comment what one that should be. Maybe something blue?

(I swear I planned this story out, but honestly it's a mess.)

Any questions on what has happened?
What will happen?
Suggestions on what should happen?

that's it,

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