Chapter Thirty-Five

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Robert's Point of View:

I felt Cornelia's fear before I saw my sister's caller ID, but instantly I knew they were connected. It alerted me, making me jump to my feet. This fear I recognized all too well. It wasn't a good sign and I knew I needed to get to Cornelia as soon as I could. It was lunchtime on a Friday, she was supposed to be at school.

I answered the phone as I started to walk out of my bedroom. I had no clue where I was headed, but that didn't matter. My father had told me to always trust my instincts, how that was the true gift of being a Griffin. I knew if I followed it today, it would lead me to Cornelia.

"What happened?" My voice like sandpaper as I asked my sister, knowing something was wrong.

"Cornelia, she didn't show up for school. I think somethings going on, it feels—

"I know, I feel it too." Our worst fears were about to happen. It was Razmuth, he must have kidnapped Cornelia on her way to school. Why hadn't I thought of that? Of course, Razmuth would try and take Cornelia. Other than Gemma, she was who I was closest to in this world.

"It feels like before, when Alice-

"I know, so get Dara and the others and go someplace safe. I'm going to finish this once and for all. I love you Gemini, you know that right? This was always about protecting you," being an older brother was all I knew. I had failed at being a son, orphaned at a young age was proof enough, so I couldn't fail at being a brother too. My throat was dry from the pressure and increased adrenaline. 

"Robby, just come here. You don't have to prove anything. What Alice did, well I need to tell you about that night." It didn't matter what she had to say, I knew what I had to do. It had never been so clear. I was outside, in proud daylight and I shifted into our true form. 

It was sometimes problematic for humans to see. It had caused many folklore stories to be written, all terribly wrong. It wasn't their fault, they only saw our true form, not knowing we can also look like humans. Our true form was much like the legend of Griffin's. It was the head and tail of an eagle and the body of a lion. In my true form, I stood well over eight feet tall with a wingspan of almost twenty feet. 

People were going to notice, especially in a small town like Salem.  It was necessary to save Cornelia. I hadn't been brave back then. I let Alice make a sacrifice too big. Cornelia wasn't going to be another sacrifice. I couldn't bear it and I didn't want to wait for her again. Who knew when I would see her again? I couldn't let her die again. 

"Goodbye, Gemma," then I flew in the direction of Cornelia. Gemma would understand once she got over being upset with me. 

Gemma's Point of View:

After Robby shifted I hung up. There was no point in trying to talk to him like this. He was too stubborn like our dad had been. Even back then, the two of them had been the most stubborn people I knew. It was too bad they had never gotten along. Robby used to be so aloof and easy-going back then. That had all changed when our family had been brutally murdered by the Demons and Witches. 

It made us closer than ever, but it was such a price to pay. Unlike Robby, I don't hold him accountable. I wish he wouldn't be so hard on himself. It was never his fault. I just wish I could convince him it wasn't his fault. If only he knew what I knew about Alice Gilbert. It never made sense to tell him before now - now, that Alice is Cornelia. I can't let history repeat itself or lose my brother. He's the only family I have left.

Dara saw I was off the phone and walked up to me.

"Hey, what did he say? Has he seen her?" She was always able to read me. Over the past hundreds of years, I had made very few friendships. Dara was one of those, so her safety meant a lot to me. She would be devastated if something happened to her sister. Although she would never admit it, she really admired her older sister. She still felt guilty for almost killing her last year. I know she'll never get over it, but how can you?

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