Chapter Twelve

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I had been mostly right about my theory on the week being easy. It was Friday and I had mostly breezed through the days. That being said, I was glad it was Friday. There was a Coven meeting after school, but other than that I didn't have plans. My mom wanted me to go with her to get her nails done on Sunday, but I wasn't counting that as plans. It would be nice to catch up on some outside of school reading, binge a few Netflix shows and sleep.

Addison and I were walking to our lockers. She was talking to me about this guy she was starting to talk to.

"So, are you ever going to tell me his name?" I put my hand on my hip, turning to face her.

"I will when and if it becomes serious, promise!" She gave me a quick smile. Her phone buzzed and she gazed adoringly down at it. I knew it was a new text from the guy she was talking to.

"Okay, fine! But can you just tell me if he goes to school here?" She hesitated, then sighed.

"No, he doesn't." She was keeping her lips sealed on his identity. "That's all I'm saying," she was quick to add. "Now, I gotta run, but we'll talk later? I need help on math homework and since you're a brainiac when it comes to math," she trailed off.

"Of course, just Facetime me when you're ready to work on it. I'll be at Ivelyn's for an hour or so, then I'm free." We said goodbye and she headed for the parking lot. I think she had an acting class today, which explained why she was running to her car. She loved her acting classes, especially the teacher. Hmm, I wonder if it's her teacher she's talking to? No, I think she said she was married. Although, that could explain why she didn't want to tell me because her teacher was married!

My head spun off orbit, deep in thought about the fictitious storyline I had created.

I shook my head and continued walking to my car. Along the way, Erik called me over. He was leaning against the bumper of his car, which was parked only a few spaces away from mine. I was surprised to see him still at school. I figured he would be the first one at Ivelyn's, anxious to hurry up and get this Coven meeting over. That way, he could still make his dinner date with Sage.

"Hey," he waved. "Do you wanna ride together? I can just drop you off when we're done, it's on the way," he shrugged casually. I thought about it. It was a tempting idea.

"What about my car?" I gestured to my hand where my car keys inhabited.

"Doesn't Dara drive now?" I nodded. "Why doesn't she take your car? Trust me, it's no big deal," he never thought it was a big deal. I almost told him that, but my head started to hurt. It was familiar, like a vision coming, but I pushed it away.

"Okay, lemme text her real quick," it was perfect timing because right after I text her she walked up to the car. "Hey, did you wanna drive home? I'm getting a ride with Erik to Ivelyn's." I handed her the keys. She was quick to take them. I shouldn't have been shocked.

"Yeah, I'm going to Gemma's though, so do you have a ride back?" She raised an eyebrow, looking over at Erik. I looked at Erik too who nodded.

"Yeah, I have a ride," we said goodbye and I got in Erik's car. It was weird watching Dara drive away in my car.

"So, how's it going lately?" Erik asked as he backed out of his parking spot. I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, then pulled my hair into a ponytail.

"It's been good, what about you?" I quickly tried to change the subject back to him.

"Me? Oh, it's been going good," I wanted to tell him the truth, but I couldn't. I'm sure Addison has already mentioned Robert to Erik, but I can't chance it. Plus, I know if I tell Erik about Robert, I'm going to try and tell him the truth. It's too hard to lie to him.

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