Chapter Twenty-One

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Dara entered my room at an ungodly early time. I'm not sure the sun was up, but apparently Dara was. Her face was pinched like she was deep in thought, it wasn't a good sign. I had a feeling she was about to get me into trouble. Oh well, what was new? I rubbed my eyes and struggled to get up.

"We have to help mom," she started to pace in my room.

"I know," that was a no-brainer. We had already agreed on that.

"We need to talk to her," she motioned for me to follow her. Grumbling, I grabbed my robe and hurried to slip on my slippers. She was halfway down the stairs before I could leave my room. She yelled my name, a final warning before she snapped. I rolled my eyes and followed after her. Whenever she had a plan, she was such a brat about it.

It was too early to disagree so I continued to follow her. She marched up to our mom's room and pushed open the door. She didn't even knock or announce herself. I thought it was a pretty risky move, she could have been changing!

"Darminah! Cornelia! You cannot just waltz into my room like that!" She scowled us. She was just sitting at her recliner, which faced the front of the house. I never realized she had a perfect view of the driveway from her room. How many times had she been here while I was making out with Robert before coming inside? She saw me looking and shut the curtains. "What do you two want?" She snapped. 

"We came to plead and beg with you," Dara confessed. "We know we were out of line about not moving. I think we both were just shocked that you would ever want to leave." I almost snorted laughing. I had never heard Dara talk like this. She hated apologizing and here she was groveling? Had she hit her head last night? 

"What are you plotting?" Mom asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Hear me out," Dara held up her hands as she stammered. I was impressed with my mom for not falling for Dara's scam. I was surprised to find myself falling for it. "Cornelia is almost eighteen, and you and Zack just got engaged, so what if you waited until Cornelia was eighteen to get married? Then, sign over the house to her--

"Darminah, stop that's ridiculous." My mom wasn't hearing any of it, but I was intrigued.

"That's only eight months! How long would it take you and Zack to plan the wedding? Plus, you'll need time to get things in order for Cornelia to take ownership of the house. Even if you don't give her the house, what if you had her living here and charge her rent?" My mom liked that idea.

"Where would you live, you'll be a senior in High School. I can't have my eighteen-year-old daughter living alone with my seventeen-year-old." There was no way mom would buy that.

"What if I spent half my time here and half with you and Zack at his place? At least, until I get comfortable with the idea. Of course, all of this would be on a trial basis." Dara had spent a lot of time on this idea. I could tell it meant a lot to her.

"I don't know about half--

"What were you thinking?" Dara knew she was getting mom to agree.

"Monday through Friday you're at home with me,"

"Monday through Thursday? Friday through Sunday here?" I couldn't believe she was bargaining. 

"Sure, but on one condition: you and Cornelia cannot get into any trouble. If you make it until Corn's eighteenth birthday, then I will consider this on a trial basis." I almost pointed out that no one asked me if I wanted to spend that much time with Dara, but considering all that was going on, I let it slide. 

"Deal!" Dara squealed excitingly. 

"Should I call Zack and tell him the good news?" My mom was back to being in a good mood. Everyone was happy.

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