Chapter Thirty-Three

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I didn't want to go to school when I woke up. When my last alarm went off, I did get up. I had to if I wanted to live here my senior year. That meant being on time to school every day. I had to remind myself that most days, but it would all be worth it. After I took a shower, I was more energized for the day. We were all scared, wondering what Razmuth was planning. All we knew was that he was old and powerful. 

Robby didn't know much about Razmuth either. He hadn't been researching the Demon that killed his parents and other Griffin's. He was too busy running from him and anyone else that wanted him and his sister dead. No one was blaming Robby for not knowing Razmuth could fly. We were just so scared we didn't know what our next plan was. Robby was more determined than ever for us to erase his powers, but I wasn't convinced that was the right choice. 

Something had stirred in my brain last night. I had been thinking about my powers and if there was a way to somehow shield the Landry's. I tried to tell Robby about the contract with Elise, how that meant we were safe in Salem, but he didn't think Razmuth cared about a contract. Unfortunately, I think he had a point. Demons weren't known for obeying Witch law. Still, I had to believe there was something Elise could do to help me, but I didn't want to be asking her for help.

I had already signed one contract, I didn't want to sign another.  

Dara left before me, her attendance even more important if she wanted to live with me partially next year. Although, if anyone was "winning" it was Dara. She got better grades and was early for school. This was important to her, so I couldn't let her down. After eating my cereal is fast as I could, I was finally on my way to school. The drive was nice, I kept the radio down to enjoy the silence. 

It was only Tuesday, but people were still talking about Daniel and Daisy getting back together. They got back together over the weekend. I didn't think much of it, except that I hated when people brought me into the gossip. People were never going to let it go that Daniel and I dated. I blew out a sigh and slammed my locker shut. I wasn't ready for first period and even less thrilled to be seen sitting by Daniel. No one believed you could be friends with your ex.

As I walked into class, I felt all eyes on me. Just like yesterday, I thought to myself as I sat down. Daniel hadn't said anything about him and Daisy getting back together, but I had a feeling he would. We said our hi's and hello's and then listened to Ms. Wallouch talk. That lasted about twenty minutes, then she broke us into groups. Daniel was in my group, of course. He chose this time to ask me about our weekend plans.

"Hey, um do you think Daisy can come this weekend to The Off-Ramp? I kinda told her about the plans," he scratched his head. Honestly, I had forgotten about our plans, but I couldn't cancel now. I groaned inwardly, leave it to Daniel to put me in this predicament. 

"Of course, anyone can come," I casually shrugged, hoping he understood there was no beef with me and Daisy. He out of anyone should know I didn't have a problem with her.

"Okay, good. I just wanted to make sure," he pretended to know. I tried to keep my face composed so he wouldn't know how annoyed I was with him. I turned my attention to the rest of the group as we talked about the chapter we were supposed to read last night. Thankfully, I had read it so I was prepared.

The rest of the class went like that: me trying to maintain distance with Daniel. I was looking forward to science with Kate. She was the best in our class, but it was more than that. I knew she was the one to ask about Demons. Erik and I had told the others about my vision and what Erik saw - Razmuth's ability to grow wings and fly. Erik was still shaken up that his encounter with Razmuth. He kept saying, "They weren't like bird wings, but sickly like bat wings, they didn't look right on a human body," so I knew he was still upset.

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