Chapter Seventeen

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Robert and I didn't have sex last week when we left the Off-Ramp. My mom had been home, so once we got to the front door he set me down. Apparently, Griffin's had an excellent hearing or something because Robert had been able to tell she was home before we had gotten ourselves into too much trouble. Despite not taking our relationship to the next level literally, it changed our dynamic. 

That night, we both were left wondering what would have happened if my mom hadn't been home. I saw Robert the next day, but we hadn't talked about what we almost did since. That was last week, so I was hoping we would get to talk about it today. Although, considering today is Valentine's day I doubt he will. He's too much of a gentleman to bring it up. 

That's why I was planning on bringing it up. 

At least, in the most subtle way, I could manage.

On the morning of Valentine's day, I felt an energy in me I hadn't felt in a long time. It was surprising and even in a little intimidating, but I welcomed it. I was excited for today! I took my time in the shower, spending extra time to scrub away any imperfections. I shaved my legs and even applied shaving cream (something I rarely do) to make sure I didn't miss a patch. 

After the shower, I added lotion to my body. It was vanilla scent. Then, while I stayed in my robe I started to apply my make up. I put on face makeup, mascara, black eye shadow, and some fake eye-lashes to really make my eyes pop. Once I was finished I added the smallest amount of red lipstick. I wanted just a hint of color. Afterward, I hurried to curl my hair.

Once I was ready except for putting on my dress, I went downstairs. I wanted a snack before I finished getting ready. Robert wasn't due to arrive for a few hours, so I had enough time. Downstairs, I found my sister and mother eating breakfast. They were talking about the weather when I walked in. The conversation went mute once I walked in. It made me a little paranoid.

I started filling a mug with coffee as I thought about what I wanted for a snack. Dara was eating cereal and toast, so I decided to have toast. As I reached for the bread, my mom cleared her throat.

"So, what do you two have planned?" My mom peered around her coffee mug. She suspected something, but I couldn't figure out what. Dara and I shared a guilty look. What had they been talking about before I walked in? Obviously, it wasn't really about the weather.

"I have dinner plans with Robert tonight, then I think we're going to stop by Ivelyn's to say Happy Birthday to Mir and Jack." I forced myself to sound casual. More than that, I was pretending that my plans tonight were casual. Robert and I hadn't been dating very long, but I knew him and he knew me. 

It was exciting to get to know him more. Tonight, I was hoping we could take our relationship to the next level. It was amazing being with Robert. I think I could really love him and tonight might be the night.

"Okay, and you?" She narrowed her eyes in Dara's direction. It was Valentine's day and Dara didn't have a date. I had asked her a couple of days ago if she thought about dating. We hadn't seen her remotely interested in anyone since Vayne and the drama he came with. She told me she wasn't ready to date yet and I didn't blame her. No one did, but it didn't stop my mom from being suspicious. 

"Gemma was planning on coming over later and we were gonna watch bad movies," I watched her as she spoke and I believed her. Usually, I would think she was up to something a little more sinister, but this time I believed what she said. It wasn't uncommon for her and Gemma to hang out watching TV. Judging from my mom's facial expression, she was in agreement.

"Okay, is she spending the night?" 

"Maybe, I didn't ask, but her brother--, I mean parents, are sometimes strict about that." Dara slipped and I reacted (poorly) when she did. My eyes bulged and I glared down at her. If Dara's words didn't draw attention, then my reaction did because my mom knew something was up. 

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