Chapter Thirty-One

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"So, have you thought about a gift for Ivelyn? Or any update on her party?" Ads asked as she handed me a size 3 paintbrush. We were working on detailed lace-work and I needed a thin paintbrush. 

Unfortunately, it was two days later and I was nowhere closer to figuring it out. 

"Ugh, no! I just know it has to be badass or Ivelyn will never forgive me," there was nothing worse than Ivelyn being upset with you. Plus, she always went above and beyond for our birthdays, so I felt like she should have the same. She deserved it at least. 

"Well, what if we did something like last year with the magic? Like have a ton of it obvious, but humans won't know," it was really nice of Ads to help me. I knew how she felt about magic and being involved in Witch stuff, but this was different. This was party planning.

"Like the smoke?" I remembered last year we had red smoke filled the giant apartment we had rented out downtown.

"I just feel like the location is the hardest part? I thought about renting another place downtown, but--

"Been there done that?" She offered and I nodded.

"Uh, what am I going to do?" I sighed, feeling more helpless than ever.

"Well, you said she wanted someone to get arrested? Or have it be next level shit, right?" I nodded. "They do this thing in LA where you all meet up at someone's boat, but it isn't someone's boat," I didn't really know what she was saying. I didn't know anyone that had a boat besides Erik and that could only fit a few people on it.

"I'm lost," I admitted.

"So, we would all meet up on someone's Yacht, but it wasn't anyone's at the party. It's illegal enough that Ivelyn' might like it. There are a few Yacht clubs down on at the Port's that we could use as a location for the party. I think," she grabbed her phone and opened Google Maps. "See, this place would be perfect," she pointed at a spot that was like five miles north of Salem Woods. It was past Salem Neck, which was over by where Troy lived, in the richer part of Salem. 

"I don't know, Winter Island Yacht Yard? Do I just call them--

She shook her head.

"No, we sneak in after hours. It looks like the office closes at 5, so we can plan to head there like eight or nine at night and--

"Party until the Cops show up, Addison, that's perfect!" I exclaimed as I grabbed her in a hug. "I never thought I would say that sentence, wow," we shared a laugh. "It's really perfect because there's Juniper Cove on the Northside and Smith Pool on the south side, so in case the Cops do come, we'll have a good chance of escaping," I laughed again. Ivelyn didn't know it, but this was going to be the best birthday party she had ever had.

I was going to make sure.

"Ah! She's going to love it," Ads squealed. 

"So we just party on other people's boats?" Ads slowly nodded. "Is it bad that I'm kind of excited?" I covered my mouth to giggle. 

"I am too," she confessed.

"That means I need a new swimsuit, are we still hanging out after school?" She nodded.

"Maybe we can go shopping? I could use a new cover-up and sandals!" We made plans to go to the mall once school ends, which wasn't that long. We had another twenty-something minute left in Art, then we could head to the mall. We talked a little bit longer about IVelyn's party and our ideas. Those were quickly quieted by the teacher as he walked around, inspecting our progress. 

I liked the Art teacher, it was the same teacher I had always had for Art. That was almost a year, how had my Junior year gone by so quickly? It was already March, soon it would be June and the Seniors would graduate, Erik included, and that left me with one year left at Salem High School. How had my time here gone by so fast? It felt like yesterday I was walking through the doors for the first time, convinced my visions were hallucinations.

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