Chapter Nine

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It was Friday and I still felt gross after drinking the whiskey. My stomach was still in knots and my head was stuck in a constant migraine. At least, my classes had gone by quickly. You could practically smell the weekend down the halls. Everyone was excited, you could see it in the way people seemed a little happier. Not to mention, it was sunny and starting to get warmer. It was almost thirty-five degrees. That would be the hottest this week. I just wanted it to be above freezing so the ice and snow would melt.

"Earth to Corn, hello?" Addie snapped me out of my daydreams. I forgot I walked her to her locker on the way to my car. Her hair was in space buns and she was showing off her purple streak. Her make up was a little darker in color today.

"Oh, what? Sorry," I shook my head. My head throbbed in pain.

"Do you have plans this weekend?" She asked as she rummaged in her locker. What was she even looking for? And how had her locker gotten to be such a mess in only a week? Was that mold?

"You're the second person to ask me that," I laughed awkwardly. "Um, I don't think so. I'll probably do some homework and maybe even study, oh god. My mom has a date Saturday night and Dara will probably be at Gemma's, so fingers crossed I'll have the house to myself," I crossed my fingers in front of her face. What was wrong with me? I felt my cheeks flush.

"Corn, do you want to hang out? I don't have any plans," she made a noise of triumph. "Ah hah!" She was holding a unicorn pencil.

"That's what you were looking for?" I asked incredulously. She shrugged. "Um, yeah that sounds fun. Your house or mine?" I hitched up my backpack. She grabbed her thing and we headed to my car.

"Your house, I could use a change," the way she said it made me curious.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I pushed open the door and held it open for her. The sun was bright and hit me square in the eyes. It was so dark inside, sometimes I didn't see the sun until after school. I winced as it kicked my migraine up a notch.

"You know how my sisters were staying at our house while me, my mom, and Silvia went to California," I almost forgot Silvia had gone to California with them. When Addie had been filming she moved around wherever they were filming that day, which was mostly Washington and Canada, but her mom and Silvia had rented out a house.

"Mhh hmm."

"Well, they won't leave," she raised her eyebrows.

"Wait, don't your sisters have kids and families of their own?" I knew Ads wasn't close to her sisters. They had a rough past and blamed Addison for not making the same mistakes they did. But both of her sisters had bailed when their mom got sick, except for Addie. There was a little hostility, or so you could say.

"Kids yes, families no. I mean technically, yes their children have fathers. They just don't get to see their fathers." Addison sighed in frustration. She looked down at the ground, scowling. "Should we get some ice cream? I'm craving chocolate," she wasn't asking. She pulled out her phone and I knew she was ordering food to be delivered to my house. I knew she made a lot of money from the movie and all the other gigs she had gotten in California, but she was blowing it on stupid stuff.

"We can drive and get some," I told her eyeing her phone.

"Oh, right. Okay, you driving?" She started after my car that was parked a few kilometers away. I got inside without another word.

The car ride to my house was filled with Ads venting about her sisters. Apparently, it wasn't that they weren't leaving, but weren't paying rent either. Ads mom had tried to get them to leave, but they told her they had no place to go. Ads didn't believe them. She thought they were just using her mom.

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