Chapter 5

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"He got much taller uh" I said while caressing my camera's screen where I can see Jae's handsome face, I look up at his way and saw him emceeing at ASC, "His voice got even beautiful" While I am staring at him, I can't stop myself from reminiscing the past.

It's so hard being a fan, especially a sasaeng who wants to be always by his side, I live all my life with lack of sleep, tiredness and a lot of hardships just to see him, I am flighting back and forth to Korea from North America.

Fulfilling my dream as a singer and hiphop dancer while also fulfilling my job as his sasaeng is one of the things I think I'll never regret in my life, and now that it's already beyond reach to be an artist of his company, I can now rest from being his sasaeng.

Or not? Because I really enjoyed being one, the thrill of sneaking to their dorm every midnight just to stole some of Jae's hoodies. To went to their concert without a VIP pass, even though I afford hundreds of it, but it's a thrill so I still sneak on the guards or stole some tickets on the other fans.

I followed him almost every time I can when he's having a solo schedule, I remember once when Jimin, (Jae ASC's co-MC) did some prank on him and kiss him on the cheeks after, I gave her a box full of cockroaches the day after, I even took a lot of pictures of her horrified face back then.

And I will also missed wearing disguises like I am wearing today, I have his hoodies on, the one I took on his closet when I sneak in last time, wearing dark sunglasses, weird pink wig and a fake teeth. For him not to notice or suspect that there is a sasaeng fan that is following him, I always changed my disguises everytime I'm going to follow him around.

"What will be your reaction when you see me again? The girl you are calling ugly before, turns to be an insanely gorgeous and hot woman right now?" I smirk at the thought and since I am going to meet him later, I decided to leave the ASC studio and went to my new dorm, just beside Day6's dorm.

I really gave up a lot of things just to be where I am right now, give up being a heir of our company, and start following Jae's footsteps.

I am one of the best hiphop dancer in North and South America and every entertainment company's are fighting just to get me, and since the only reason why enter this field is because of Jae I decided to take JYP's offer, but I tried to be hard to persuade at first so he will higher up the offer, which gladly happened, I persuaded him to let one of his artist date me, which he agreed because he really want to get me, I haven't said it is Jae, I only said that he will know soon and surprisingly he complies.

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