Chapter 3

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As soon as I enter my room, I walk directly to the bathroom and stare at my reflection, "Am I really ugly?" I ask myself and saw a girl on on the mirror staring back at me who have a very pale skin have round thick glasses, braces and a frizzy hair, I slowly pick the scissor and cut my hair short, "I really look ugly", I muttered and cried again, unexpectedly the door on my bathroom burst open and I found my Dad looking at me with a horrified face.

"What happened to you honey?!" Daddy said and pull me in his chest.

"Dad? Why did you say that I'm beautiful? While I'm not?!" I cried in pain and he tightened his embrace on me even more.

"No, you're beautiful, don't believe what others are saying". He said, panic and pain is audible in his voice.

I sniff and clutch his shirt as if letting him know how upset I am at the moment,  "All this time I keep on believing you Dad, but maybe they are right, all of those strange look of them that showing how they are disgusted with my looks are true, that I'm ugly" I quickly remove his arm around me and walk out of the house, unluckily, when I am about to step out of the backyard, Jae showed up.

"What happened to you-"

"Don't pretend like you care" I walk passed through him and rode my bike.

Months passes by so quickly, I haven't seen Jae from the University anymore since he graduated already, I've told my Dad to find another tutor for me, and so he did, since my Dad feels so sorry about me.

I changed my looks, I wore contact lenses and got my braces removed, I also fixed my short bob frizzy hair straighten up and have curls at the tip.

I smile at my reflection, and remember how those people who insults me apologized and are now acting like they are my slaves, everybody loves me, ever since I changed my looks and they found out that I am the heir of Chasung Enterprises.

Before I keep being on low-profiled, but because I cannot take getting hurt because they thought that I am a poor and pitiful nerd, that pursues me to changed.

Especially the very reason is Jae.

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