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Momo woke up with a clear light warming her legs, sitting on a bench covered by what looked like a really big umbrella. Yuuko was just looking at her with her wide hat and a simple yet stunning swimsuit.

-"Are you coming?"

Momo saw the golden ground around where she was sitting, and the blue moving mass way further.

-"Are we on the beach?"

-"duh, Mikan and I organized this weeks ago don't you remember?"

Momo tried to remember the events of her past days, making fake memories come to her head like flying parasites.

-"wait... No... The letter"

-"what letter?"

Momo shook her head and started tapping it in hopes of getting back the memories she felt she had lost.
But they never came, instead, she felt more confident with her current place.

-"i think it was nothing... Maybe we should-"

But then Momo felt a cold dribble go down her cheek. They couldn't be tears, she had no reason to feel bad, and she didn't feel anything special in her eyes, instead, she felt a burning sensation all over her face, where the red flow dripped down to her chin.

"What is... Oh no"

She saw the fingers she touched her face with, seeing the red liquid causing her pain.

"No, no... Please"

Momo started to remember as she picked up the faded letter on sight, as it was just laying on the ground where Yuuko was before.
She didn't bother to see the label she already knew, so she went straight to reading what she could before it all faded.

i'm sorry, i didn't warn you, but i won't be coming back anytime soon.
If you found this letter-"

Momo woke up again. She was already getting tired of waking up in a whole different world she would be familiar with, but she kept telling herself 'maybe this one's real' and just before she would be completely confident of her own existence and place in the world, the letter. The same letter with the same erased label, and the same first words. She didn't know what it meant, she felt like she didn't want to read it but she had to, and the same feeling of breaking her own rules was driving her insane, she wanted to remember, everytime she was about to wake up again, she would repeat to herself what she had seen, but it always disapeared.


Momo almost landed a hit as Shamiko had stood still for a second, shaking, 'maybe in fear?' He wondered. Maybe she had given up after blocking a thousand hits and never fighting back? The thought made the demon feel like the most powerful being in the world, and that alone almost made him not want to kill her, but he decided to do it anyway.

However, the giant fist was put to the side in a second, and before the Demon could react, her adversary had already stuck that same formed arm to the ground, by impaling it in a giant golden fork.
He wasn't able to redirect the Magic, the cheat weapon was preventing it somehow, it's true, the demon girl he had spied on for weeks was suddenly over powered, but this was even weirder considering only members of the light clan could disipate demon magic. Little did the demon know that the one who inmobilized his arm, and was now ramming towards him, wasn't Shadow Mistress Yuuko, but Sakura Chiyoda herself.

Sakura quickly tried to get behind Momo, but the demon reacted as fast as her, and he followed wherever Sakura was moving to, protecting his back by facing her even when locked on the same place.

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