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Yuuko woke up as tired as always, she didn't find a proper reason to get up, since it was going to be another day without anything to do, same bed, same window revealing the same tree, in the same garden, in the same hospital. Her dad would come visit her, maybe, as well as her mom, but she really didn't want to see her mom if all she did was cry in silence next to her. She didn't want to wake up... But if some day she got out of that place, it would be because she did that day, and that's what kept her from giving up.

She heard the muffled chirps of birds that kept singing outside her room, and the sky was already perfectly blue with not a single cloud covering the sun.
She woke up later than usual.


She was already hearing a bunch of people walking around the corridors, well, nobody really slept there at the hospital but her, she always heard sounds before and after sleeping, they just got louder whenever people walked in.
They would bring her breakfast later on, but for now she was left with an empty stomach.

-"Good morning... you"

-"Momo. I'm Momo Chiyoda"

-"Momo chi... Mochi... morning, Mochi"

-"Don't use weird nicknames!"

Momo was some meters away, on another bed she had slept on since appearently nobody checked for intruders at that hospital.

Then a strange rumbling sound came out of Momo.

"... What was that?"

-"... Hungry"


Yuuko noticed someone trying to unlock the door of her room.
Momo quickly closed the curtains next to her bed and stood totally still.

A nurse came in the room with a trey that had a bunch of generic undetailed food on it.

-"Good morning Yuuko!"

-"... Morning"  

-"Come on now! Get up so you can eat!"

The nurse had that friendly voice that Yuuko hated so much, knowing how later on they would make her suffer 'for her own sake' the nurses and doctors tried to seem friendly to her, but it just made it worse, like a fake and toxic friendship. 
Yuuko didn't say a word or tried to get up, she just wanted to go back to sleep.
The nurse heard some rumbles, but she didn't know where from, so she just assumed it was Yuuko.

"Well, when you can, here you go"

The nurse left the tray on a tiny night table that was set next to her, with a bunch of unread books with pictures for kids on it.

"We'll be right back, eat as much as you can till then!"

The nurse finally walked outside the room.

Momo spoke around thirty seconds after the nurse left.

-"Sorry... those rumbles were mine"

-" it's okay..."

Momo walked got out of the bed and walked up to the night table next to Yuuko.

-"Can I have some?"

Momo didn't have any dinner or breakfast whatsoever, she was starving, her belly showed that by making sounds every minute.


Yuuko was still tired, she didn't feel like getting up again, she didn't want to.
Momo took some meat off the plate for herself.

-"So uh, I'm gonna go now"

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