sweet darkness

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What's your name?
Nice to meet you chiyoda momo! i'm-....
Just like any other day.... maybe you should know-.....
I guess you could come back! It's nice having someone to talk to that doesn't cry all the time!


Momo felt like she opened her eyes, yet she didn't see a thing.
She felt soft on the back of her head, and cold on her forehead.
When she looked to the side, what was on top of her forehead dropped to the ground. She saw a light coming from an open door, the slight light made her see the rest of her surroundings.
She was in her bed, in her room, there was a chair next to her bed. and next to the chair, a bucket filled with water. What she had just dropped was a towel, and she heard voices coming from the door.

Without second thought, she threw the bed sheets to her side and got on her feet. Only when she did, she realized she was feeling sick, beyond the complete opposite of "okay" like when she cought a cold because of Shamiko, but worse. but she couldn't think about it then.

As she walked with one leg more lively than the other and her arm on her shoulder, the voices progressively spoke lower, and she started hearing footsteps coming towards her.

-"sha... Shami..."

When she went through the door, she was recieved by a silhouette that seemed to be as tall as her.

-"are you okay?!"

Said the figure.
Momo tripped on her own footsteps, and fell into the person's arms.


When momo lifted her head, she saw a known face.
A young magical girl with green eyes and orange hair, who was obsessed with citrius and would add them to any sort of food or drink, ruining it for anyone else who was planning on tasting it.

-"you clearly should go back to bed, momo"


-"is she okay mikan?"

Momo looked past mikan, where a short, squishy demon girl with spiral horns wearing an apron was pressing a frying pan on her belly.

Mikan brought momo back to her bed so she could rest, and she put another wet towel on her head.

-" you really shouldn't get up. What even happened to you back then? What were you doing?"

Momo was confused about mikan's multiple questions. She was overwhelmed with temporary amnesia and constant headaches.


-"what do you mean 'what'? We found you in the forest, lilith called us through your own phone, you had fallen to darkness and fainted!"

Momo jumped on her bed and inmediatly sat, grabbing the sheets.


-"yeah! What the hell happened?!"

As momo was thinking and trying her best to remember what had happened, she noticed a moving tail coming from the edge of the door, followed by a peek.


Shamiko walked into the room, clearly worried, and aproached momo.

-"are-... Are you okay?"

Mikan turned to shamiko with a face that read 'really?'

-"shamiko, she's not"


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