rotten peach

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Some days went by, Shamiko and Ogura investigated more about the mist demons to confirm that they were indeed what Shamiko saw, and possibly what Momo had as well. The weekend had started and Lilth had one more day off, before she went back to picking up trash in the river and being visited by annoying kids, in a way she didn't like it, in another she missed it.

Momo hadn't seen Shamiko since yesterday at school when, once again, they didn't have any training. Even at school, Momo would avoid meeting up with her. If Shamiko tried to talk to her, she was either busy or she had already finished her Lunch, and was on her way to her classroom. What she did in reality was just cover her food and go somewhere else. Anri and Mikan knew this so they tried talking with her, but she denied she was trying to avoid Shamiko, even if she was. They also considered telling Shamiko, but she would either not believe it, or it would break her little delicate demon girl heart.

Today, Shamiko hadn't planned anything in particular, just staying at home playing some videogames and hanging out with her ancestor.

After having lunch, they were both laying in the floor, comfy, eyes closed and with that sleepy feeling you get after eating a lot of food that you enjoyed. Shamiko was using her 'whatever staff' as a pillow, not so long ago she had figured out she could make anything out of her staff as long as it was impaled in a stick, she used this making it look like some sort of meet on a stick dish, but with whatever she wanted replacing the meat.
Shamiko spoke in a peaceful voice without moving a muscle.



-"what do we do now?"




Lilith noticed the time.



-"don't you have to go to work at this time?"

-"i've decided to take a break today. Just like you did"

-"i see. Nice"



Lilith expanded the subject.

-"does Chiyoda have a job as well?"

-"as far as i know... Momo gets money from her parents or something..."

Lilith started angrily waving her arms up and down, constantly hitting the floor.

-"it's not faaaaair! I work my ass off picking up trash and don't get paid but she stays at home and is rich?"

Shamiko didn't react at Lilith's tantrum.

-"i guess that's just how things work..."

Lilth stopped. The balance was restored.



-"but Chiyoda still depends on you for food right?"

-"she doesn't know how to cook... She used to live out of quick noodle cups from convenience stores... Now i have to get her actual food... She should pay me sometime...."

-"is that why you're not getting her any food today? You went on strike?"

-"yeah i-"

Shamiko quickly got up in a sudden realization.

"Oh no! i didn't! I forgot!"

Lilith sat up and looked at her with a disapointed face.

-"you really don't know what you're worth, do you?"

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