Chapter Four

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Ayame was asleep on a couch as someone was trying to shake the small girl awake. She hadn't meant to fall asleep but with the fact that she's had nightmares these past few nights, she couldn't help it!

"Ayame?" The girl heard someone call to her but she just choose to ignore it, snuggling deeper into the very comfortable couch. She heard a small sigh and was pulled from the couch, landing harshly on the floor. 

"Ow!" Ayame yelled, glaring up at the boy who had pulled her off the couch. "Kiba, I'm gonna kill you!" She yelled and the boy just shook his head at her words. 

"Like you could." With that, Ayame smacked him on the head and walked into the other room too see disaster. Earlier that day team ten had gotten a mission to babysit ten children, at first the kids were peaceful and easy to handle but as the day went on, they just got more and more restless. 

Ayame felt her eye twitch as she noticed Hinata was tied up to a chair as two little girls were trying to do her makeup and hair. Shino was being forced to play ninja, which Ayame would never understand, seeing as he was already one. . . 

The rest of the children were either screaming, crying, or fighting with each other. Ayame was surprised she hadn't woken up, seeing as it was so loud and she already had a migraine even from the few seconds she had been in the room. 

"Yeah, we kinda need you out here." Kiba mumbled, standing next to her. However the next second he was on the floor, a little boy laying on his back, shouting something about pirates. Ayame then glanced up at the ceiling where a small child, no more then one year old was hanging by the back of it's overalls on a chandelier. 

"Oh, crap." She mumbled to herself and tried to find anyway to get up there before the baby fell and got hurt. However she found none and began to wonder how to the baby even got up there in the first place. 

"FREEZE!" She shouted and every child froze in the exact position they had been in, all looking up at Ayame. "Now, do any of you little kiddies wanna tell me how the baby got on the chandelier?!?" She shouted and everyone glanced up then, their mouths falling into little 'o' shapes. 

With that a ripping sound was heard and everyone seemed too suddenly start freaking out as the babies overall's started too rip. Ayame felt like this was a lost cause and that the child was surely going to get hurt but she was proven wrong. 

All the children screamed as the baby started falling through the air but Ayame never saw the baby hit the ground, instead she saw a blur jump up and catch the baby, holding the child securely in their arms. 

Ayame blinked, she didn't know what she had witnessed until she looked at Kiba, who was now standing there with a baby pulling at his hair and giggling lightly. Kiba seemed to be getting agitated and Ayame couldn't help the small smile on her face, thankful that Kiba had saved the child. 

With that thought in mind, Ayame went over to him and snatched the child from his arms, deciding to help him out a bit. The baby instantly frowned once he saw Ayame, his tiny brown eye starting to water at the sight of her. 

Ayame didn't know what she had done wrong once the baby started crying and she certainly didn't know how to handle this situation. She had no younger siblings that she remembered and she had been raised too kill children, not take care of them. 

If Hinata hadn't come and taken the baby, Ayame was sure she would have done just that and the thought terrified her. The though of killing another innocent human being would be terrifying and Ayame knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she did.

With that, Ayame just went back into the other room, her heart beating fast and her breathing ragged. She didn't know what was happening, but something surely wrong and the others could sense it. Ayame leaned against the wall for support as she felt a tight pain in her chest. 

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