Chapter Thirteen

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Ayame ran behind Naruto, still frowning over the fact that Sasuke had left the village. That was when she realized why he had left, to gain power from Orochimaru.

She stumbled in her steps, her eyes wide when she realized she may come across some people she knew and would most likely try and bring her back to that horrible man.

She dismissed the thought, instead focusing on the task at hand. She watched all around them, trying her best to sense enemies herself but that was no use, seeing as she was horrible at sensing chakra unless she was extremely familiar with it.

She tried her best and frowned when she saw a glint of something in the sunlight. Ayame went to call out but it seemed like Shikamaru had already noticed the trap wire.

"Stop!" Shikamaru put his hands up, the team stopping before he slowly started leading the way. Naruto ran out of formation, getting ready to step over a trap wire but Shikamaru caught him with his shadow possession jutsu.

"Idiot, there's a trap hidden within a trap there." Shikamaru mumbled, mostly to himself, as he helped Naruto escape the trap. They all continued on our way when Neji started speaking.

"They've stopped. It seems they're resting, we can catch up to them quickly now."

Shikamaru nodded, telling everyone the plan he had in mind. Ayame nodded when she heard her part of the plan, she was to stay hidden and not come out, no matter what.

The team of genin and one chunin came to a stop before a clearing, heading off to their spots that Shikamaru had set up. Ayame stayed hidden in the trees, squinting her eyes to see who the people were. She gasped when she saw the sound four, people who had always terrified the young girl.

Shikamaru's plan failed, and explosion pushing him and Neji out of their hiding spots. They weren't majorly hurt, minus a few scratches and soon to be bruises. Ayame didn't listen as Shikamaru started talking to them and Naruto and Kiba jumped out.

Instead she focused on finding out where they had Sasuke. That was when Ayame noticed one of the sound four wasn't in the spot they had been in just moments before, Shikamaru noticing as well.


Ayame screamed as she starting tumbling from her tree, but the person caught her, putting his hand over her mouth. Someone called her name, but she couldn't respond, let her team know she was alright.

Neri activated his byukagun, his eyes looking at where Ayame was being held captive. It was as if the person know that Neji was looking, a sadistic smile creeping upon their face before they jumped off, a barrel the size of a person on their back and Ayame in their hands.

"They've taken her away, Shikamaru. Along with Sasuke." Chug came out then, barreling like a ball towards the remaining three but was pushed back. A dome formed around the team and they were stuck.

Ayame kicked the male in an area she knew would hurt, jumping away the minute his grip loosened.

"What do you want?!?"

The male just laughed, Ayame hated that she couldn't remember his name, shaking his head. "We don't want you. Lord Orochimaru does."

Ayame took off running, hoping to lose him in the undergrowth. She knew her chances of beating him were slim to none, leaving her only choice; run.

Ayame screamed again when he appeared in front of her, grinning at the red-head who was trembling in fear in front of him.

he stopped however when two more sound four members stopped above them, Ayame now absolutely terrified.

"Stop wasting time, we have to get both these brats to Orochimaru-sama."

The male handed the barrel to the only male left, and Ayame to the female. They started running but didn't get far because Ayame started kicking, punching and even biting.

"You little brat!" The women screamed, holding Ayame away from her body. That was long enough, because soon Ayame's team came into view. Ayame found however when noticed who was there, Shikamaru, Naruto and Kiba but where were Chouji and Neji?

"Let Ayame-chan and Sasuke go!" Naruto shouted, running at the last remain two of the sound four. They dodged easily, Ayame's head almost smashing against a tree.

Somehow, Ayame escaped the women's hold and ran off, the remaining male following her and Kiba jumping after them. Ayame didn't have time to worry about Kiba, instead she was trying not to trip on roots or even slow down her pace. She was somehow running faster then the male, and she hoped it wasn't just because he wasn't trying.

Ayame came to a river, her eyes widening as someone tackled her and they went tumbling into the river. Ayame gasped under the water, bubbles coming out of her mouth and the water going into her lungs. She didn't know how to swim, and she was struggling to push the person holding her away.

They came up a little downstream, the person pulling Ayame onto the shore, coughing as he held a white dog that was bleeding in his arms. Kia sighed, hiding behind some rocks as he heard the weird male with two hears calling for them to come out of hiding.

Ayame coughed next to Kiba, water flying from her mouth as she took in their surroundings. Her hair was now out of its ponytail, instead it was pasted to her face from being wet. She had blood running down the side of her face from a cut she had received earlier and she looked beautiful.

Kiba shook his head, pushing the thought to the back part of his mind, he didn't like Ayame and he most certainly didn't think she was beautiful.

They both gasped when the male that was chasing them appeared in front of them, going to stab Ayame. Kiba didn't think about what he was doing, jumping in front of the girl.

He was stabbed instead, blood pouring from the wound instantly. Ayame's eyes widened, the sound of Kiba falling to the ground sounding throughout her ears.

She doesn't remember what happened next.


Really short chapter, I think the shortest one in this book? LOL

The chapters will most likely be shorter from now on unless I can find ways to make them a lot longer. I JUST REALLY WANT TO GET TO THE SEQUEL. OKAY OKAY.

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