Chapter Six

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Kiba pushed open the door to the room, looking down the hallway but didn't see Ayame or the weird women she had been with anywhere. This was where he started to get slightly worried, he knew that Ayame knew not to go off with strange ninja, he saw the way she flinched whenever a stranger came near her. So why had she decided to go with this grass village ninja, did she know the strange women? Kiba hoped that Ayame didn't know her, the red-head knowing a creepy, crazy looking person made Kiba gulp, scared to find out what Ayame would make the said person do to him.

Kiba started to follow Ayame's scent down the hallway before he decided to give in to every part of his body screaming at him to go back before it was too late. Akamaru whimpered on top of his head, a small yip coming a few seconds later. Kiba nodded his head in understanding, Ayame's scent wasn't just the normal scent, it smelled strongly of fear and this caused Kiba to rush even more without thinking about what he was doing anymore. He had been planning to go get Kurenari-sensei, but his ego got the best of him and he rushed off towards where he smelt Ayame's fear laced smell going.

He knew that he most likely looked insane as he was sniffing around the streets, but he wasn't looking as he ran right into the back of someone. He glanced up to see a man in a green spandex suit, a bowl cut and a smile that stretched as far as his eyes. He glanced around the man, noticing a smaller version of the man, a hyuga with an irritated expression and a girl with two buns atop of her head.

"Sorry! I'm in a hurry, so I wasn't watching where I was going." As much as it was against Kiba's nature to speak like this, he wasn't about to speak lowly to a sensei, he had respect for some people, although he badly wanted to make fun of the guys appearance. Yet, he knew not to judge on appearances seeing as some of the strongest shinobi had the ugliest appearances.

"Ah! The youthful act of youth! Where are you heading? We can lead you there in the quickest way possible!"

Kira couldn't help but blanch at the man until he heard an exasperated sigh come from the female.

"Gai-sensei! You know you promised us to food, we can't afford to slack off!"

Gai gasped, a little too over-dramatic for Kiba's taste, and turned toward the girl, a shocked expression on his face. "Tenten! There is always time to train your youthful mind!"

As Gai and the boy who looked exactly like him dragged Kiba away, the hyuga boy and Tenten followed behind closely while muttering under her breath. ". . .But i'm starving."

"Now! My fellow youthful shinobi, where are you heading that we may accompany you too?" Gai flashed Kiba a smile, a light seeming to twinkle in his bleach white teeth.

"I was following my teammates smell." Kiba realized a second too late how wrong that sounded, a light pink tinted his cheeks, himself now looking down at the ground while Gai and the boy, who he learned was named Lee, kept dragging him throughout the streets. His shoes where starting to collect dirt all across them and the spots underneath his feet where irritating him.

"Ah, youth! The smell of it is throughout the air, youth is everywhere!" Kiba once again blanched, he was getting tired of hearing him talk about youth all the time. His irritation grew when he started talking about Kiba loving Ayame, and although the pink blush on his cheeks said otherwise, Kiba snapped at the man.

"There is no youth between us! I followed her because I'm pretty sure she's in trouble!"

Gai stopped then, making Kiba and Lee jerk back, his face was scrunched together and he gave the Hyuga a look, one at which he just nodded and made a hand sign, the veins in his popping out.

"How are you sure?" Gai asked Kiba, bending down to the boys height for just this moment.

"I saw her leave the first testing area with a strange women. I thought it was weird and then was when I noticed that she smelled. . . she was overly terrified." Kira tried explaining it the best he could and Akamaru just barked, telling him he had done his best and that people without a keen sense of smell wouldn't understand.

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