Thirteen: The Tale of Vi and Anu

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"Good to see you back Luke!" Up ran a very tall thin tan woman. Her long blue tipped white curls bobbed as she embraced him.

"It is good to see you again Ami." He said with a smile.

"You must be Luca!" She squeed with enjoyment as she took the woman in her arms and held her tight. "I'm so happy to meet you!"

"Can't breath... or talk..." She spoke out to the woman with her mind.

"Oh sorry, I got carried away there." She let the woman go and held her at arm's length. "Luke spoke about you all the time."

"It's okay." She laughed and the leader laughed with her.

"That's your leader...?" James choked on his words as they looked around while walking into the large performance tent that was set up. Her laughter sounded like sweet bells in his ears.

"Yup! That's Ami! Well Larami, but Ami for short." Melana said as she clasped a hand on the man's shoulder. "Gorgeous isn't she?"

"I guess so." He bit his tongue lest he say anything more than he had already.

"I'm so happy you activated your beacon. We're at your service." Ami bowed to the group that had finished filing in, Jessie and Brock being the last two.

"Let me show you guys around while Ami talks those two's ears off. Come on Jimmy!" Melana ushered Jessie, James, Meowth, Brock, Ash, Pikachu, and Marco around the tent.

A woman with crutches hobbled the best she could up to Luke, Luca, and the leader. "I thought I saw you come in!" She smiled, the bright pink hair covering her right eye shifted and now covered her left as she tipped her head to the side. There was a Medicham by her side.

"What happened to you Melanie?" Luke asked, concerned for his friends' well-being.

"I slipped while practicing the Dance of the Medjati." She explained.

"I've heard of that dance before. Miss Kari told me it was something my mother would do with Mora. They would perform it at festivals." Luca wished she had the chance to get to know her mother for longer than she had.

"Mora?" Kari questioned. "Your mother wasn't Mary Hart was she?"

"Yes, that's her." She looked at the woman puzzled.

"Oh wow! You're Mary's daughter!" If the woman hadn't been on crutches she would have jumped for joy. "It was so long ago. She was the one who taught us how to do that dance! The two of them were on a whole new level though." She looked down at her Medicham. "Isn't that right?"

"Cham, cham." The Medicham nodded and smiled.

"Really?" Luca couldn't help but to tear up. It was nice to meet somebody that had known her mother. However it brought up buried feelings of sadness. She had been far too young when her mother passed away.

"I wish I was well so we could perform it for you!" She said softly.

"You will one day soon. Don't worry about it too much." Leader Ami stated. She then sighed. "However we're in a bind. You see, Melanie and Medicham were our main act for the gala Giovanni is hosting. Now we need to figure something else out. On top of helping you guys put a stop to his..." She was cut off by the sounds of the orchestra band starting up. "Oh! I guess Merana asked for them to play for your friends. Sounds like they're going to do the Song of Aura. We were very lucky to have found the music during our travels recently. They even pulled Master Cain out for the storytelling part." She laughed. The old graying man didn't like being bothered normally, but there he was, showboating.

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