Fifteen: Confessions

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Oddly enough the advice from Maxie had been helpful. Luke and Luca had gotten much better at controlling their abilities while listening to the music when they were farther apart from each other. It was hard to start dancing with no partner within arms reach. They only needed to be able to make it through the last thirty seconds of the six minute piece. However they were hoping that they wouldn't need that long to grab the orb and hightail it out of there.

All they needed to do was distract him just long enough to get close to where it would be sitting. After that... well that was still up in the air. Can't make a solid plan when you don't have all of the variables yet. In reality though, how many plans go exactly as laid out.

They set up camp one last time as it was now the night before the show. Unlike with other performances, they won't be able to stick around after this one. Everything will be packed up by those who will remain outside of the mansion, while the others were inside doing what needed to be done. They are the lookouts and the escape route when the others will need to run.

Brock had taken off of work at the Pewter City Pokémon Center, where he was a Pokémon Doctor, to take this vacation with Ash since it had been some time since they had done so together. Ash's current traveling companions had gone home to spend some time with their families. He should have figured something like this would happen. Only when I travel with my best friend. He thought to himself. It never failed, Ash was like a magnet for finding trouble. However he wouldn't have it any other way. What he didn't expect to happen was the red thread connection to the woman that was standing across from him. "Hey Jessie?" They were tying the last strap of the rainfly on her tent. He didn't stop and he didn't look at her. "I know we're about to go into something dangerous tomorrow..." He trailed off with a sigh.

She let out a little laugh. "Not the first time, and I'm sure not the last." She then stopped what she was doing and grabbed his hand. "Mew Two, the Tree of Beginning, there are more times than I care to count. But whatever it is you want to tell me, I think I already know."

He was honestly surprised. Had she figured it out? "You, you do?"

"Yeah. Don't worry. We're not here to double cross you guys or run away." She expected there to still be some doubt lingering around. "I'm so sick of running away. Tired of doing bad things. Plus we suck at it anyway. I don't even know what I am good at." She let go of his hand and went to turn away. Maybe she just needed to take a walk to clear her head. However, walking is not what her legs did. She headed off in more of a sprint.

Brock stood there in shock, not knowing what to do.

"Aren't youse gonna run after her?" Meowth saw the man turn to find him and James standing there. They had come to ask for help gathering firewood when they had come across the scene before them.

"I... I don't want to make her more upset..." Brock stammered. "She's a bit..."

"Intimidating?" James filled in. "I can tell you from experience that she is that. I know she thinks I'm dense sometimes. She doesn't realize that she herself is quite clueless. Isn't it worse though... allowing her to think something incorrect? The longer she thinks you believe we will betray you guys, the harder it will be to change her mind."

Brock was confused. "You guys aren't going to stop me from pursuing her? I mean, do you...?"

"Oh no, we're not like that, never have been. She's a little abrasive for me man. I mean don't get me wrong, I love working with her, she's awesome. I just don't see her like that. More like that hardass sister you always want in your corner and never want to piss off."

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