Ten: Trapped

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"Hey guys!" Ash called to the others. After hours of searching they finally were able to find another route around the accident to the other side. "I found Ranger Luca's motorcycle!" He stood fast as they ran over to him.

"It looks pretty scratched up." Brock said as he pulled it up. "I think it's okay though besides that."

"There's still no sign of Luca or the Lucario." Ranger Marco stated as he looked around some more.

Brock sighed. "I hope Ranger Luca and Luke are alright." He said, putting emphasis on Luke's name. He wasn't thrilled that the man refused to use it.  It may not be common practice in the world.  However, Luke and Luca were not common beings, by any means.

Ash pulled Brock aside and spoke in a low tone. "Hey Brock, you okay?"

He didn't want to worry his friend more than he already was. "Yeah man, I guess I'm just frustrated since they are missing. We need to find them and fast." He looked over the ledge. It was getting too dark to be able to see anything down the side of the mountain. "I don't think we can find them like this."

"They're strong, especially when they're together! I'm sure they're okay!" The young man was enthusiastic about their odds. "We've made it through things like this before, right? I mean they have a super dynamic, I'm sure they made it just fine!"

Brock didn't need much light to see the look the Ranger standing behind his friend in the distance gave. They were stuck with him though. From what they were able to see of the wreckage, Butch and Cassidy were long gone. Probably back to whatever hole they crawled out of. "We should make camp and start the search back up in the first light of morning."

"Sounds like a plan." Ash said.

"Pika, pika." Pikachu agreed.


Luca awoke to Luke sitting there keeping watch. "Did you get any rest at all?" She asked as she crawled the short distance to him.

"Of course. I did not sleep, but I rested." He answered her honestly. "We should see if we can move the stones now." He didn't like that she was trapped in a hole in the side of a mountain. He needed to get her out of there as soon as possible.

"You know, I can feel what you're thinking. We can get out of this. We've always been able to do anything as long as we do it together." She stood up and pulled him up after. "Let's take a look at what we're dealing with shall we?"

Luke nodded in agreement as she pulled him to his feet. He followed her the short distance to the blocked entrance. "What should we do? Should I just attack the blockage?" He asked as he took a fighting stance.

"That might make sense. I know I can't use my aura on something I can't see. And I know I can't see what's on the other side of this created wall." She said as she crossed her arms. "If that doesn't work, then I guess we could try something else."

"Stand back." He pulled his fist back as he powered up 'bullet punch'. He then threw what he had at the stones. They could feel the rush of fresh air rush in as he blew a hole through the mass. It was easy to see that it was the middle of the night now as there was only twilight coming in with the nighttime air.

"You did it!" But the celebration was for not, as the stones from above shifted and began to fill in the hole he had created. The alcove shook and dust began to filter in from the land over their heads. Luca began to cough.

Luke ran up to her. "Are you alright?" He asked though his own coughing fit.

"I'll be alright. How about you?"

"I am as well. I guess this wasn't such a good idea after all."

"I guess not." She could still feel a little bit of air movement, and upon inspection could feel a draft now making its way between a few cracks. "At least we don't have to worry about suffocating." She thought about it for a moment. "We're not going to be able to climb our way up in the dark. I don't think we've rested enough to light our way while we're climbing. We should just hole up and try again in the morning. I'm sure the others have halted any type of search till then."

"I'm sure you are right." He took her by the hand and led her back to the back to sit back down. "While I am thankful for the fresh air, it will get colder in here now that it is late. We should huddle up and keep warm."

"I agree, and you still need some sleep." She spoke in a matter of fact tone at him while curling up under the crook of his arm.

Even with the low light of the fading glow sticks, he could still see the look on her face. "Alright." He said with a warm smile s he wrapped his other arm around her. "Lets get some sleep."


Jessie, James, and Meowth were sitting in the mess hall at Team Rocket Headquarters when they saw Butch and Cassidy walk in complaining to each other, looking like they had seen better days.

"Oh look, if it isn't Team Sundance." Jessie said, her voice dripping with contempt for the ones that had clawed and cheated their way up the ranks.

"Uh Jessie, they don't look like they're in the mood to be messed with right now." James stated to her. Always the more logical of the two when it came to socializing with the others in Rocket. "They look pretty miffed."

"Meowth... I wonder what crawled up their britches." Meowth chimed in.

"If it isn't the forever losers and their talking puppet." Cassidy made a face towards Jessie as they walked by their table on their way to get some food.

"Just wait till Giovanni makes his wish with the orb and takes over the whole planet." Butch piped up. "You think there's going to be room for you three in Rocket once that happens?" He laughed. "He's going to show you guys out the door the moment that happens. The only reason he keeps you guys around is for comedic relief. However that only gets you so far for so long."

"That's right!" Cassidy stated while trying to mimic Meowth's part of the trio's motto. "Then it will really be 'so long' suckers." She joined in with Butch's laughter.

"What are they talking about Jess?" James lowered his voice so they couldn't hear him.

"How in the heck should I know? Nobody keeps us in the loop here." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"You know guys, that kinda says a whole lot about how they treat us here. Not like we don't try." Meowth said with a sigh.

"Well I for one am not gonna take this sitting down. I think it's time that we find out what all of this secret talk and missions we haven't been included on are all about. What do you guys say?" She said as she stood up to leave the hall.

"I'm with you Jessie." James stood up and grabbed their now empty tray.

"Meowth, me too." He said as they all headed out together.

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