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Luke held on to Luca's hand. They could see their island in the distance growing larger as the ferry neared the once brilliant sanctuary. They knew they were in for a lot of hard work.

"Ya know this island has been deserted for a long time." The ferryman said as he continued to navigate the ship. "By humans that is." He amended his statement. The Pokémon had never left. Just the people. "Team Rocket had destroyed the place just over ten years ago now. I remember the look on Miss's face when she had to carry the Ranger's daughter over to a hospital on the main isle. I had rushed over here after seeing the explosion. Sadly the Ranger and Riolu were never again. It's been so long." He said with a sigh. "What brings you two out this way? Did they finally put the place up for sale?"

They both turned to look at the sweet graying older man.

Luke took his arm and wrapped it around Luca. "No, we're just going home."

Five Years Later

Brock stepped off the boat's gangplank, extending his hand out to his very pregnant wife. "I've got you honey." He said as she made it to the dock.

"You worry too much." She slapped his arm playfully. Two other children followed closely on her heels. "Stone, Belle, be careful." She called out to their three and a half year old twins as they raced each other down the dock towards land.

"Jessie!?" Luca called out as she ran up to the woman from a distance, sanctuary uniform proudly on display. "You look stunning!"

"Don't lie to me woman." She said with a laugh as her husband allowed the other woman to take over the holding of her elbow. "Thank you for having us here the next couple of weeks. Once these two are born, well let's just say that we will have one kid per hand, meaning..."

"You guys will literally have your hands full." She said with a smile, finishing Jessie's thought.

"It is good to see you Brock." Luke said as he trotted up to the group, also wearing a uniform. As a human he was finding that his wife was just a touch faster than he was. However he easily got back at her when they would occasionally go running in the forest late at night, both as Lucario.

"It's great to see you both as well!" Brock extended his hand, which Luke shook. "Are you sure you're willing to watch these two after we head back in two weeks to have this batch?"

"Of course my friend. It is our honor." Luke said with a large smile as he helped Brock with their luggage. They bid good day to the ferry captain and he went on his merry way back to the main isle in Oblivia. He was very happy for his friend, and just a little jealous, over his good fortune. He was about to be a father four times over. He and Luca had been trying over the past year and feared that due to them shifting in and out of human form, plus him not having been born human to begin with, was affecting their ability to start a family. If only he could see Luca with a stomach like Jessie's...

"Luke, you okay? I think I lost you there for a moment." He followed the man's gaze to find him looking longingly between Luca and his wife's life creating abdomen. He clapped a hand on his friend's shoulder. "It will happen man. I just know it will."

"Thank you." Luke said as he tipped his head to the side with a smile. If it hadn't been such a chore to get the island back up and running, they probably would have started trying sooner. He grinned at the thought of trying later, at least there was that. Of course he had wanted to do everything right by her. Much to her tempting him constantly though, they had not made it very long before getting physical. Heck the only reason they even made it back to the Jesters home camp was because they were just so exhausted that they just didn't even think about it. Nope, that's a lie, it was definitely thought about. Just far too tired to act upon. One self appointed mission however where he had succeeded was to bind the two of them together through marriage before they did attempt to start a family. He smiled once again as he looked down at the blue and silver ring he had on his finger. The match of course was on Luca's finger. They had used their aura to forge the rings and enchant them with the ability to always find each other should they ever be parted again. Silly yes, but it was an overprotective insurance policy he was more than willing to write.

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